The Young Years: chapter 10

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When I got home my mom was practically breathing down my neck about what happened. As much as I wanted to scream to the world what had happened I couldn't. I kept my face at neutral knowing that if I showed one bit of happiness she would suspect something.
June 22nd, 2014
I woke Sunday morning to Pretty Little Liars theme song blasting through my ear repeatedly. I lazily grabbed my phone from its charging spot on nigh stand. My eyes squinted open enough for me to swipe right to answer the call.
"Who is it"I said sleepy
"Bitch you better wake the hell up I'm coming over to get all the details"
"Kaya let me sleep" I groan
"Hell no wake up!!" She screamed in my ear "Oh btw Stephanie's on her way too" and with that she hung up.
I groaned as my body lifted from my bed and my legs swung right and hit the cold floor.
I quickly got dress in simple jean shorts and a short sleeve plaid shirt.
By the time my brush made a final comb through my hair my mom was yelling at me informing me Stephanie and Kaya were here.
"Upstairs" I called down
"Hey" I said giving Kaya and Stephanie side hugs and leading them to my room. Kaya instantly jumped on my bed messing it up from it previous neat state. Kaya was one of those friends that your home was there's. Stephanie was more polite and took a seat on the edge of my bed while sat in my leather spinning chair next to my desk.
"We want all details" said Stephanie "well maybe not all"
"OMG steph I didn't do that!" I whined.
"Hey you can't trust Carter at sunset"
I rolled me eyes
"Sooo!!!" Continued Kaya
I explained everything to them leaving out the boring stuff like going to dunkin and went straight to the kiss.
I watched as Stephanie's eyes went wide.
"OMG OMG OMG you had your first kiss"
I instantly turned red and shushed her.
"My mom doesn't know" I said in a low tone to try hide my embarrassment.
"Hey no need to be embarrassed when me and Marco kissed for the first time my head dodge and me ended up kissing my nose" laughed Kaya
I couldn't help laugh with her.
"So what's it like" asked Stephanie
"Different" I said spacing out remembering that moment "it's almost indescribable"
"Don't worry you and Brandon are almost there" said Kaya bouncing up and down
"Omg no stop" said Stephanie embarrassed
"Girl we gotta go on like triple dates" I said excitedly
"Wait a minute I ain't fifth wheeling" said Kaya defenses
"Kaya it ain't the hard to drag Caleb anywhere" I laughed
"Dude don't worry about it I got it planned muahahaha" I said evilly
"Should I trust her" said Kaya turning  to Stephanie who just shrugged
We all laughed.
As hours went by of gossiping Kaya and Stephanie finally left.
June 23rd, 2014
Today was the last day of school. tomorrow was the beginning of summer. I couldn't be more happy. I was sick and tired of waking up every morning at 6 because this face doesn't come naturally.
However this summer had me on nerves. Most of my friends were gonna be counselors at town camp and that included Carter.  I was being a councillor at camp saint Dorothy. That meant I wouldn't see him much. I've always heard of summer relationships that completely fell apart because people couldn't see each other. I've never felt this happy with a guy before. I just never felt so safe to be happy I really didn't want to lose it because of disconnection.
The only good part though was I had friends going to that camp. I knew Kyle was going which meant he could keep an eye on Carter for me. Kyle was one of those people who told you like it is unless its a secret. We have been friends forever and now that friendship would be put the good use.
Now it's not that I don't trust Carter, Carter has a history of cheating or looking at other girls. I remember in eighth grade when he's  was dating Jenis  he was also dating Audrey at the same time. Well only secretly for a week. I remember Jenis cried for three weeks straight I felt so bad for her. I trusted Carter wouldn't cheat on me but you never know with girls in bikinis on the beach at the  same camp. I decided not to concentrate on it and just to enjoy my last day, well for three months.
Basically on the last day you still had to go to classes but we just did nothing. Like in Spanish we did a bunch of kahoots and won Spanish lollipops or in English we did board games.
When science game Mr. Piette looked like he was praying that the class was finally going to be over. It wasn't I specifically, I wasn't a bad student most people considered me a teachers pet. This year though I had a really bad class.
When I got in Carter and the rest of the class were playing trash basketball.
"Hey Sofia you wanna try" said Carter giving up his turn for me
"Sure" I said with a smile
"Alright so you wanna stand here"said Carter helping me up onto the tables in the other side on the classroom "and u wanna shoot there" he explained pointing to the trash can near Mr. Piettes desk all the way on the other side
"You got this" he whispered in my ear
I felt me entire body go stiff as the cold air of his breath left a tingle in my ear. I held the crumbled piece of paper in my hand and true my hand back soon releasing the paper. I didn't make it though and bounced off the edge of the trash can.
As Carter reached his arms up wrapping them around my waist and helped me down I heard a lot of "owwwww that sucks"
I watched as Seth slapped Carters shoulder and yelled "whiped"
Carter awkwardly laughed. I leaned against Carter and turned to Seth "at least he has a girlfriend to be whipped about. No girls gonna date yah" I laughed
He gave me a glare and walked away. Yeah I kinda have another person who hates. Never gonna miss him. But definitely gonna miss Carter.

The Young Years(#Wattys2016)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang