The Young Years:Chapter 15

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September  1st, 2014
It's the beginning of sophomore year and I am ready. I honestly don't miss the summer. I'm just going through the emotions. Everything really did feel like an eternity ago but yesterday at the same time.
I haven't seen or talk to Carter since the prank. In the beginning he would never leave my mind. I would cry myself to sleep each night with the memories. But now I barely think of his name. I really didn't see anyone after the prank considering I needed time to be alone. I also was going on a cruise 1 week after. Now that put a safety pin in my heart.
There was even a boy who asked for my number on the cruise. I was dancing in the 14-18 club and a 15 year old boy asked for my number. I have it to him and I instantly felt proud. He was cute, sweet and made me laugh the whole night but I knew I wasn't gonna do any long distance relationships with a New Yorker. At least I was over Carter that all that matters.
I went to school and got into a huge confusing line to get my agenda. That's the thing with Mount Hope you never know anything. What happened was you waiting in a 20 minute line that went A-F G-K and so on. In each line they asked your name then handed you your agenda. After that you were at the mercy of the school. I was almost sad watching the confused freshman. I remembered that from last year. Looking at them now it reminded me of a mouse in a lion den. Just scared little mice.
In the line I meet up with Kaya first.
"Omg hey I missed you so much" I practically scream as Kaya hugged me from the side "you look so damn adorable I can't even" i said taking in her tribal dress with her jean jacket.
"I missed you too" she cried.
We then found Stephanie in the next line.
We laugh and just enjoy seeing each other again. For the first time in a while. We then had to go our own ways for we were all in different homerooms. Kaya was in building D, Stephanie had building F and I had building B. Fortunately I found Kayla was in my homeroom and I tagged along with her and Zoe.
Later on in the day around 1:15 me and Kayla walked to band. I was a clarinet while Kayla was a Flute. Me and Kayla aren't the type of friends you would find alone in the mall but more you would find with a group.
Now Carter was in band too. Well he always was but for some reason in freshman year he quite and this year he rejoined. He plays the flute it isn't the hottest instrument but I like that he plays it, it makes him different and I liked different. That's my problem I like different jackasses.
"So how do you like your French " I ask.
"It's horrible I got all the idiots" she replies
"Sucker" I laugh
"How's your"
"Fine. My teacher seems nice but there's this super attractive guy that sits to my right"
"Damn girl hook a sister up"
"Yeah yeah" I laughed "But I can't wait for school to really start"
"Why" asked Kayla
" 'cause I hate all this not knowin or clueless drama queen freshmen" I laughed
"Your a bitch"
"Eh" I laughed shrugging
For the record I ain't a bitch. I'm brutally honest.
I begin laughing and then I saw him. I saw his beautiful eyes. The eyes I could get myself lose in forever. His hair that is softer than a clouds. His full lips. At that moment I felt as though I like him again. I was over him. My heart was suppose to be close off from him. Yet I couldn't help look  at him like this.
My breathing begins to speed up as he comes closer. My breaths came out faster than they should be. My heart was racing all I hears was the thump thump thump. I was hyperventilating.
"Sofia are you ok" said Kayla holding my back
"Yeah" I said
But then he was on the side of me and our eyes locked.
He had a who's the weirdo face on as he passed me. Running to the the girls bathroom with was down the same hall as the band room I ran into a stall and began vomiting everything within my stomach.
"What happened" I say softly as my right hand lays on the ice pack on my forehead while the rest on my stomach.
"You had a panic attack that turned into vicious vomit. I call your father he's picking you up" I watched as she walked away. I looked over to my side to see kayla had finally left due to the nurses instructions.
"Oh" I said sitting up.
I heard a ringing go through my ears but realized it was just the bell. School was over.
Then Kyle, Kaya and Stephanie came rushing in. Each saying something different like are you ok what happened what hurts
"I'm ok everyone" I say tired.
I then explain how it was just a panic attack as Stephanie climbs on the nursing bed and wraps her arms around my shoulder.
"that's strange" says Kyle
"Yep" I say.
I then get off the bed and land on my feet I wobble for a second then I gain my balance. A sharp pain hits my head and I grabbed it.
A throbbing pain spread against my head as a head ach came to.
We all walk down the short hall to the front doors where I was gonna meet my father.
"Are you sure you don't want us to stay with you" says Kaya
"Nah your gonna miss your bus I'll be fine" I reply emotionless.
They look at each other but nod and head towards the yellow busses. They knew I was right. I took a seat on the curb an let my book bag fall to the side of me. I couldn't believe it. I could have sworn I would be okay the dang guy made me have a panic attack. My fist hit the cement as more pain shot through my wrist but I deserved it. I was the idiot that allowed him to make me feel this way. I unfortunately knew what this meant. I knew my friends wouldn't like it. But they loved me an this was the price they had to pay.
September 2nd, 2014
After a lot of arguing, and screaming my mom let me walk to vets park where I was meeting the gang. She almost didn't let me go to school. Bit after arguing that it was probably something bad I ate she agreed.
When I got to the park Kyle being a child was going down the slides with a million dollar smile while Stephanie and Kaya were on the swing laughing at baby Kyle.
"Hayyyy" screamed Kaya running towards me "how your feeling you didn't text me last night" she said worried
"Damn and you call me the mother of the group" I laughed.
"What's up" I said hugging Stephanie as I took a seat on the swings
I could feel a lump in my throat already form from the anticipation of telling them.
"Not much but you were the one who texted me you have to tell us something" said Kaya
I took a deep breath in as my head hung down.
"I think I still like Carter"
"WHAT" screams Kyle looking like he was having a heart attack
Everyone has surprise faces
"Sofia are you sure" says Kaya placing her hand through her hair
"I don't know" I said
"Sofia" began Stephanie
"Look" I interrupted "it's not what I want but it's what's happening. I'm not even guaranteeing it. I really think it was just the memories hitting me. I might need more time to get over him"
Kaya nodded and didn't say a word. No one did. It was Kyle who changed the subject by running to the slides claiming to be the king of the world.
We all laughed and just hung out. At one point we took turns dying on the tire swing.
The sun was getting lower began and everyone was beginning to leave   Kyle said he would walk me home to make sure I didn't vomit to death again.
"Sofia how could you like Carter" he said watching the sky.
"How could you like Georgia" I laughed remembering how he dated Georgia last year.
"I don't know"
"Sofia save your self the trouble" he said "I don't even knew what you saw in him. Ive been with him since kindergarten, I've seen him pick his nose. He's a girl"
"I know I know" I say softly
"Sofia I'm only trying to help you out since we are besties for eves"
"I know and I appreciate it"
we then reached my door and I hugged Kyle goodbye
"Thanks for walking me home"
"No problem. Just think through it"
I nodded and headed inside my house. I didn't know if I was really still in love with Carter I thought I closed that door. Nothing in life is ever closed though.

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