Chapter 36: Wolves

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More than 2 weeks have passed and we still couldn't get her father to take down the restraining order. I mean, even my dad went over to try persuade Chief Ford to the fact that we loved each other. And still nothing. I was devastated, naturally!

It was taking everything in me not to shift and appear at her house as a wolf. I just couldn't take it anymore! Thank Goddess I could at least see her at school, even if it's from a distance.

Thankfully, it was not all bad news. Felix had began his Luna training with our mom and have been coming to the pack compound every single day, as long as he respected his curfew. He was doing well, though everything was new to him, he kept an open mind. And my mom is an excellent Luna, so he was in great hands!

It was lunch break at school, because Daphne couldn't eat with us, Felix stayed with her to keep her company. So, it was just me and the gang.

"So, are we on for this afternoon, Alpha?" - Mike asked, excitedly.

"Yes, of course! It's tradition!" - Dan replied with a smile.

"You know, it's so unfair that you only bring the boys to your little run together!" - Denise whined.

"I know, little sister! But unfortunately I'm not ready to see you in full naked glory just yet. Or to murder my friends for looking at you, for that matter!" - Dan told her with a sad smile.

"I wouldn't look at you naked, Denise!" - Carl tried to console her, but it backfired.

"Thanks, Carl. I definitely wouldn't look at you naked either!" - She replied to him with a disgusted face. And we all laughed.

"If it's any consolation, he didn't let me go to this runs either!" - Lauren chimed in.

"I definitively would have murdered my friends if they looked at you nude, Lauren!" - Dan affirmed. - "I mean, look at you, who would be able to resist?" - He said as he made a gesture referencing her body.

"Thanks, Dan. You always know just what to say!" - Lauren said, flattered.

"Yes, Daniel, THANKS!" - Denise snickered.

"I only invited Felix because he doesn't shift, so he won't be naked. And he can bring the snacks." - Dan stated with a smug.

"Wait, Felix is coming too? What if he sees me naked and decides I am his mate?" - Mike chimed in and we all laughed out loud.

"First, Felix already saw you naked in the locker-room. Second, he doesn't decide anything cause he's not one of us and WE don't decide it, the Goddess does!" - Dan explained, laughing.

"And third, have you seen Daniel? Have you looked yourself at the mirror? In what world does anyone prefer YOU over HIM?" - Lauren gave her opinion, making Mike almost flee the table deeply embarrassed. We continued laughing until...

"Can you imagine if after all this happened the Goddess pairs you with someone else tomorrow?" - Denise joked. - "I mean, can you imagine the face crack of the century?"

"Wait! That can happen?" - Felix yelled as he approached our table, astonished.

"She's joking, right?" - He continued, shocked.

"Of course she is, Felix, don't worry about it!" - Dan reassured him.

"Although, technically, it is possible!" - Lauren chimed in with a mischievous grin.

"Now why would you say this? I just complimented you!" - Dan whined loudly, looking defeated.

"What!? Is she for real?" - Felix was gobsmacked.

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