Chapter 42: My Life is going on

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Several months have passed since Nate and I's ascension. We've been running the pack for almost five months now - under the watchful eyes of my dad and Beta Davis - and Felix already was gearing up to be a great Luna, even though he still was supervised by my mom.

Unfortunately, he wasn't living with me yet as he's still a minor. At least, for a couple more weeks!

It was the last week of school, graduation was upon us, finally! All the gang was graduating except for Denise, who was still a junior. She was not happy about it. But we all knew it was coming. She's 17 now and still hadn't been found by her mate yet. But there's plenty of time!

Lauren, on the other hand, was already 18 for months now and yet unmated. She definitely wasn't happy about it! Especially when she - as everyone around her, including me - grew up thinking she was gonna be the pack's Luna.

Tom, Carl and Mike were also 18 now. Tom and Carl found their mates within the pack, they were lovely girls and both couples were love struck, as it happens this early in the mating (it's only been a few weeks). But Mike still hasn't found his. And he was inconsolable, as was Lauren.

At school, we were eating lunch at our table for one of the last times ever. Everyone's here, including Felix and Daphne, but the table wasn't big enough for Tom and Carl's mates, so they ate at another one next to ours.

"I can't believe this is our last week at school!" - I started, nostalgia taking me over.

"I can't believe Carl and Tom found their mates and I didn't! I pray to the Goddess every single day!" - Mike whined. We all felt for him. None more than Lauren.

"I hear you, Mike. Trust me! I can't believe it too!" - Lauren chimed in, also brooding.

"It's gonna happen for you, brother, have faith!" - Tom tried to comfort him.

"I'm just relieved none of you people are my mate!" - Denise admitted, looking at the boys and we all glare at her.

"Denise, read the room, sis! I know you don't care about finding your mate, but have some empathy!" - I reprimanded her.

This is the biggest milestone in a werewolf's life, so it's not like they're crying over nothing!

"It's not like I don't care! I do, I'm just not in any rush!" - She replied, avoiding my gaze.

"Speaking of which, next Saturday starts the mating season. The Blood Moon pack is visiting us for the Full Moon ceremony." - I informed them, cheerfully. - "It's gonna be the first official pack visit for Felix and I as Luna and Alpha!" - I said, beaming with pride.

Felix's eyes widened. All looked at him and me.

"What's mating season?" - Daphne asked, quizzically. - "Do you people go on heat?"

"Again, we are NOT really animals!" - Nate replied annoyed, but we all glared at her.

"Mating season is when the summer starts and ally packs visit us, bringing their unmated werewolves in hopes that their mates are here within our pack." - Felix informed her. And we all looked at him surprised. I was proud.

"Way to go, Luna!" - Nate congratulated him with a smile. Felix was beaming.

"So, maybe you'll find your mates then!" - Daphne said to Mike and Lauren.

"It's possible. But who knows what the Goddess has in store for us!" - Lauren replied with a weak smile.

"I know Casper is almost 19 and haven't found his mate yet. It must be driving him crazy not to ascend as Alpha! I know I would!" - I said, more amused than I'd like.

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