Chapter 45: Dangerously in love

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They say time flies when you're having fun. Well, I'm not having fun at all. In fact, I never had less fun in my life! I was so busy running the pack that I barely noticed how the week flew by. Low and behold it's Saturday again and I only realized it because the breakfast was later than weekdays.

While I grew up in the pack house, we had a schedule for everything. Time to wake up, have breakfast, go to school, to train and do your homework. Everything was timed til the hour you go to sleep. Somehow, I thought that when I become an adult and school was finally over, I'd have time to have fun and enjoy life.

Naturally, I underestimated the amount of work an Alpha has to put in. Now, it's even worse than when I studied. At least then, I had the weekends off. Now time off is relapsing the pack. And I can't afford that! Honestly, I don't know how my dad did it for so long and so well. And still had time to raise a family.

We're eating breakfast. Everyone's at the table, including Daphne and Felix, who arrived last night.

"So, how are the preparations for the party? I can't believe it's just one week away!" - I asked my mom, taking a bite of my pancake.

"Everything is mostly ready. We're just missing the RSVP from the Fords." - Mom informed me.

"Wait! Aren't your parents coming?" - I asked Felix in a worried tone.

"They are. My dad's just a little sore that our birthday party is here and not at our house. But I explained to him that this house is bigger. And all our friends live closer to here." - Felix replied, a little annoyed.

"I see." - I said, looking pensive. - "Was he okay with you spending time here, Daph?" - I sounded apprehensive.

"He has to be! By now, there's not much he can do about it. Not without upsetting my mom, anyway. But he is not particularly happy about it!" - Daphne replied, her face looked a little defeated.

"Well, at least he's not arresting Nate. Love wins!" - I toasted, awkwardly.

"Please don't remind me! I don't ever want to be arrested again in my life. Jail sucks!" - Nate grimaced.

"But my mom is very excited! I think this will be a good distraction from the fact that her daughter will go to college soon." - Felix pondered. He looked excited.

"Yes and her only son is not planning on going to college whatsoever!" - Daphne snickered.

"How am I supposed to go to college and abandon Dan?" - Felix rebuked.

"I'm not abandoning anyone! I'm just taking some time away!" - Daphne replied, sounding annoyed.

"It's different for Felix, Daphne! Please understand that all I want is what's best for him!" - I tried to reason with her.

"I know Dan, I'm not accusing you of anything! It's just that what happens to him if you die? They'd just throw him out of the pack? I mean, he's not even a werewolf!" - Daphne spoke. She sounded upset and everyone stared at her. Felix's gobsmacked.

"Daphne!" - Felix shouted at her.

"It's okay, it's a fair question. And you deserve to know: no one is throwing Felix out of the pack! If I'd die, he would cease to become Luna and would have to vacate our bedroom. But he'd remain living at the pack house for as long as he'd want." - I stated in a somber tone.

"Sure, okay. But how he'd support himself? That's exactly my point, he wouldn't have any trade craft or college degree!" - She pondered. She wasn't letting this go, apparently.

"Daphne, that's enough! I'm not worried." - Felix interjected loudly, there's worry in his voice.

"But I am!" - She exclaimed. - "I am worried that you'd have nothing if anything happened to HIM!" - She shouted, pointing at me.

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