Bonus Chapter 01| Drunk & Gullible

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Bonus Chapter One: Drunk & Gullible


I opened her door and offered her my hand. She smiled adorably like always as she took it and gracefully got out. I closed the door behind her, locked the car, and lead her in. Many heads turned in her direction and I wished she'd chosen another party dress. This one was too short, just like her cheerleading uniform. I glared and scared away as many as I could but there were still a lot.

"Ah, there's the Power Couple!" My teammate and best friend Josh exclaimed, spotting us from afar. I smiled. We had known each other for a long time and playing together had just strengthened our bond.

I led Livvy towards him, shielding her body with mine as we crossed the dance floor over to where the team was gathering. The drunk assholes couldn't care less about who they would trample as long as they got to show off those ridiculously flawed dance moves.

We were almost there when a shrill voice shrieked loudly to be heard over the music. "Olivia!" 

I knew who it was, and yet I was irritated to see Samantha Meyers wobble towards Livvy. I huffed internally as Liv returned the greeting and tugged her hand out of mine to embrace her best friend.

And the third wheel is here. 

I hated Samantha for stealing my girlfriend from me at every chance she would get. Be it at a party or at school, Samantha had a tendency to hog Livvy like no other if she got an opening. If only Livvy didn't like her best friend so much, I figured I would've thrown a fit at least once by then.

I stifled my frustration and focused on the fun that the night had to offer. This was our last party as high schoolers. Griffin always had a thing for parties and had volunteered to do it. It was a tradition for Seniors to have one last laugh together before people started leaving for college. Like Liv and I would be. Tomorrow.

Livvy got into Berkeley and I got scouted by UCLA. At least we were in the same state. Five and a half hours away, but still the same state. We could've done worse.

It felt surreal that we had grown up so much. We were leaving our homes and traveling to different states. God knows where we would go from there. Whenever I thought about it, I wished I could stop time in our Senior year when everything was perfect.

"There you are!" Josh pulled me into a one-armed bro hug when I reached him. 

"Hey, man," I greeted him half-heartedly. 

"Yo Kaison!"

"Wassup man!"

"How's the boss?"

I gave the team and the cheerleaders a half smile, fist-bumping a few who were within reach. "I'm good."

"Where's Liv?" Lily asked.

I looked over my shoulder to see that Livvy had disappeared with Samantha into the crowd and sighed. 

"Livvy's with Samantha," I began, "But I think I've lost them already."

Georgia booed the latter half of my declaration with a pout. "Won't she join for Truth or Dare later?"

"I don't know," I told her with a shrug. "You can ask her yourself."

If you find her.

My eyes fell on the keg on the table and I looked longingly at it, but a blonde in a skimpy dress seemed to be guarding it at the moment. I recognized her. She had tried hitting on me many times and I was sure that the beer and the dress would only encourage her so I sighed wistfully. Even though I had downed two beers before coming, they were yet to kick in. I mean, I could feel them starting to work, but I needed more if I wanted to truly enjoy the night, especially now that I couldn't get over the fact that my girlfriend had abandoned me.

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