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"Won't you get in trouble for this?" You ask him, staring up at him with a smile on your face.

Castiel looks down at you, his blue eyes conveying something juvenile and free, "No one knows that I'm here."

You narrow your eyes, "You snuck out of Heaven?"


"To sit on a rooftop with me?"

"I suppose so," Castiel sits beside you, looking down at the large buildings below you, "though this rooftop isn't real and I'm not actually beside you."

The Brooklyn skyline is amazing, you've always wanted to visit - and now you can, thanks to Castiels dream powers. "Feels real," you admit to him, gazing at the greatness of it all. You can even feel the cold air on your cheeks, brushing gently across your skin, "You're incredible."

Castiel turns to you, tilting his head in confusion, "I don't understand."

Letting out a laugh of endearment, you gesture to the world around you, "The fact that you can do this... that you have these powers, it's just - I don't know, you're incredible, Cas."

A small smile grows on his face. He never thought about his abilities like that before. Here, he was thinking you were pretty incredible yourself - as a hunter, yes, but also as a friend. He envies the way you care so much about Dean Winchester. He envies the way you care, in general. That brings him to his next thought.

"I know you haven't been sleeping well without my help."

You hum, looking down at the flickering lights below your hanging feet, "I'm lucky to get five hours."

"I could tell," Castiel admits, his eyes examining you up close, "you look very tired."

You press your lips into a forced smile, eyes slightly wide as you look at him, "Yeah, thank you! Very kind. I'm here calling you incredible and you call me tired. I love it."

"Uh, you're... welcome," he frowns a little, turning back to the view in front of him.

You let out another laugh, smiling wide. Cas admires it once again, his eyes sort of fixated on you until you meet his gaze again. He looks away. "Cas?"


"Were you chosen to raise Dean out of Hell?"

"Yes," he answers, a profound smile on his face, "I was chosen specifically to aid you and the Winchesters on this journey."

"Why you?"

Cas lets out a small hum, his eyes cast to the stars behind the dark background of the sky, "I suppose I've been a great warrior. I've served God before, many times, and I always fulfil my orders. I believe they find me reliable. Perhaps that's why."

"Can I ask another question?" You wonder.

"I believe you just did," he answers hesitantly.

"Why us? Why is it us who has to save the world?" You ask simply, "Aren't there people better equipped for this? Half the time, I really don't know what I'm doing."

"You don't believe you're worthy of such a task?"

"No! Of course not," you shake your head, crossing your legs up on the ledge, "I think your dad chose the wrong person if I'm being honest. I'm not reliable, or consistent, or a warrior. I'm just some hunter."

"I don't think that's true," Castiel tells you honestly, "I believe if God chose you - all of you - then it must be for a reason."

"You don't happen to know the reason, do you?" You raise your eyebrows at him, letting out a laugh.

THE ELEVENTH HOUR [Castiel x F!Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ