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Ruby opens the door of the cabin, staring Sam down, "Glad you could make it. Finally." She lets you all in, checking outside before she closes the door.

Anna's shoulders relax when she turns to see the three of you, "You're here."

"So are you," you exhale a sigh of relief, "what happened?"

Ruby leans against the door, "Things looked like they were getting ugly, so I took the Angel girl and ditched."

You bite your tongue. Sam gives Anna a smile and looks her over, "Anna, are you okay?"

She returns his concern with a nod, "I think so. Ruby's not like other demons. She saved my life."

"Yeah, I hear she does that," Dean responds quickly, his eyes flicking to the demons, "I guess I... You know."

"What?" Ruby looks at Dean. So do you.

"I guess I owe you for... Sam," Dean stumbles awkwardly, "And I just wanted, you know."

Ruby raises her eyebrows at him, placing her hands on her hips, "Don't strain yourself."

He widens his eyes, "Okay, then! Is the moment over?" Seeing Ruby nod, he cringes at himself, "Good, 'cause that was awkward."

"They're coming," Anna announces, turning to the door with wide eyes. More demons, great. You can't wait to see what other wounds you'll have to stitch up.

Dean pulls out his shotgun, looking to Sam, "Back room."

Sam, understanding, takes Anna to the back room and closes the door. "Here we go again," you sigh, taking your gun out and aiming for the door too.

Ruby looks at the three of you, expectantly, "Where's the knife?"

"Gone," you sigh back.

"You're kidding, you lost it? Impeccable timing, guys, really."

The door rattles violently, shaking against its whining hinges before it suddenly bursts open, revealing a familiar figure. Your body sinks with relief at the Angel, "Cas."

You find it odd that he doesn't return your smile, not even a little. Beside him stands another man, dressed in a fitting suit. He has dark skin and piercing brown eyes. He shares Castiels serious expression.

"Please tell me you're here to help. We've been having demon issues all day." Dean announces, happy to have an ally present.

"Well, I can see that," the Angel beside him pipes up, staring at Ruby, "you want to explain why you have that stain in the room?"

Castiel sees you frown at his brother, and he speaks up himself, "We're here for Anna."

"That 'stain' saved Anna's life," you answer Uriel, before turning back to Cas. He seems so serious, a stark contrast to the man who helped you a few hours ago, "What do you want with her?"

"It doesn't concern you, human," Uriel responds to you, "so stop talking and give her to us."

Castiel tenses up, glancing at his brother for a moment. He doesn't like that tone.

"Really? That's not the way I see it," you stand your ground, raising your eyebrows humorously, "you have to get through us to get to Anna."

Uriel grins, "That isn't a difficult task."

"I think it might be," you disagree, standing a little taller, "Anna's safe with us until you can give me a proper answer."

"Safe with you?" Uriel repeats, his face contorting with a vicious sneer, "With Alastair on your tail, I don't think so."

Your face falls as you connect the dots. Looking to Castiel, you're not sure what to say. You trusted him. He stares at you, expression cold and unchanging. Dean turns to look at you, his pointed gaze upon your hurt eyes, "You've been reporting all our business to Castiel?"

THE ELEVENTH HOUR [Castiel x F!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now