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"Find anything?" Anna asks, standing beside you. You're sitting on the couch, old book in hand.

"Pretty much nothing," you answer, giving her a doubtful smile, "you guys keep it pretty top secret."

"Yeah, I figured," she huffs out a sad sigh, sitting beside you, "that's Heaven for you; private and formal, like a lawyers office."

"Is that why they all wear suits?" You joke, giving her a look.

She scoffs, cringing slightly, "Yeah, maybe. Let me know if you find anything."

"Sure... Hey, Anna," you look to her, "can I ask you something?"

"Of course. Anything."

"When the Angels talked about me," you begin, trying to find the right words without sounding self-absorbed, you wring your hands together nervously, "what did they mean about me being a bridge between angels and humans?"

"Oh," Anna pauses for a second, "well, when I was in their pocket, it was told we were never supposed to talk to you - any of you - about your fate. It was forbidden to bring it up. But," she adds, "I don't work for heaven anymore."

You give her a joyful look, "What can you tell me?"

"All that I know," she smirks, "your role in all this is not so obvious as Dean and Sams - but that's not to say it isn't important. It is. Especially to me and others like me."

"You mean Fallen Angels?"

She nods, "At the moment, Angels like to see themselves as above humans - I think some like to forget that we truly need you. It's prophesied that you unite the opposing forces when the end does come."

"How?" You ask, hanging onto every word.

"I'm not sure," she admits to you, "but I have faith that when the time comes, you'll serve as a symbol of union."

Dean pulls a flask from his jacket pocket, bringing it to his lips. You watch, on the border of saying something and silencing your concern. He must've had a long night. Watching Anna walk up to him, you see the pair initiate a small conversation - inaudible to you, which you're thankful for. The pair seem to have gotten close and it's taken a lot to stifle all of the pain that comes with that.

You'd think, after a year of loving Dean, that you'd be used to seeing him with other people. But you're not. At least this time, it somehow feels easier, like you've begun to accept your fate as his best friend and nothing more. If it keeps him and Sam in your life, you'll take it.

Suddenly, the doors swing open, nearly bursting from their hinges. You rise to your feet immediately, gun in hands.

"Hello, Anna," Castiel greets her, "It's good to see you."

You look at Cas with eyes full of utter sadness and hopelessness. You clench your jaw, turning those feelings into betrayal and anger. Cas gives you a look, taken aback by your expression. Sam's eyes are wide, "How? How did you find us? Dean?"

He watches Anna, giving her a regretful look, "I'm sorry."

You feel your face fall as you look at Dean. He gave your location to the Angels. Snapping your eyes towards Castiel, he stares back intensely, with a subtle expression. "Why?" Sam asks, breathless at the situation unfolding.

THE ELEVENTH HOUR [Castiel x F!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now