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The moment Schaffer texted Emily that they were on their way, she was flooded with emotions. She was nervous, excited, guilty, hopeful, and in a sense, relieved. The son she had longed to reconnect with was coming home to her. Of course, this was just the beginning of a new era in their relationship. A lot of work still needed to be done to repair what she had recklessly broken, but it felt like a tiny step in the right direction.

For the first hour, Emily paced around her apartment, frantically straightening picture frames that were already straight and fluffing pillows that didn't need to be fluffed. It gave her some semblance of control, but eventually she realized there was nothing else that could be done. All there was left was to wait. So, she planted herself right beside her window and did just that. Wait.

The remaining hours ticked by painfully slowly, but with patience, the time finally came. Schaffer and Matt had arrived.

As soon as she saw them pull up, Emily jumped from her couch. The uncertainty she felt paled in comparison to the joy of seeing her son. She couldn't get downstairs fast enough.

She flung the door open, but resisted the urge to run straight up to him and wrap her arms around him so tight. She understood she needed to let him come to her and was more than willing to put her own feelings aside and give him the space he needed, although it hurt her deeply.

Knowing her place, Emily took a step back and waited once more.

With deep breaths, Schaffer tightly gripped the steering wheel

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With deep breaths, Schaffer tightly gripped the steering wheel. He was seconds away from seeing his wife that he wasn't quite sure was still his wife. Their relationship, if they had one at all, had become murky. He was clear on his feelings - he still loved her - but whether that love was enough, or even reciprocated, was unclear.

Their conversations over the phone had gradually become comfortable and routine, so much so, that it almost, almost, felt as if nothing had ever gone wrong. But the rational thoughts in the back of his head nagged at him and reminded him of the truth. They were not together, even if it sometimes felt that way.

"Are you coming?" Matt asked, breaking him away from his thoughts.

"Yeah, um," Schaffer stumbled.

He wanted to face Emily with strength and coolness. For the sake of his son, he wanted to be ready to see her again, but he just...wasn't. He needed more time, even if it was only a few minutes.

"In a second. You go ahead. I'm gonna, uh, find some better parking."


Matt saw straight through his excuse. The spot they already had was perfect. Right out front and close enough to move his stuff in with ease. It was such a good spot, that they'd likely lose it the moment Schaffer drove away. They both knew he wasn't getting anything better, but Matt recognized it for what it was and let his dad have his moment.

My Heart's in AlabamaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя