Chapter 125

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Step In Dangerous Love Chapter 125: Too far to go back

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Too far to go back

"Yeah." Gu Wuhao nodded coldly, and didn't want to talk more about this topic.

Gu Shenxing, who was standing next to him, frowned and said again displeased: "Gu Wuhao, I have told you many times that Shen Xi is not Xu Anran!"

"Heh." Hearing Gu Shenxing's words, Gu Wuhao snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter if you admit it or not, you know the truth in your heart best."

Gu Shenxing squeezed his hands angrily and wanted to speak again, considering that Gu Wenjing and the others were still here, he could not expose too much, so he could only swallow everything that came to his lips.

Gu Wuhao and Gu Shenxing were sitting on both sides of the bed, while the two sisters Gu Wenjing were sitting on the sofa in the ward. There was silence in the ward, and all four of them were waiting for Tang Anran to wake up.

About half an hour later, Tang Anran slowly opened his eyes.

She stared at the ceiling in a daze, and gently touched her belly with her hand, reverberating in her mind what she had heard in the operating room.

The doctor said that she had been pregnant for seven weeks, and that she was injured too badly and bleeding too much, the baby would not be able to keep...

"My child, are you still there?" Tang Anran asked in a dumb voice.

The ward was very quiet, no one answered her questions, but she had already got the answer.

"Xiaoxi, it's okay, we will have children again in the future." Gu Shenxing stretched out his hand, gently squeezed Tang Anran's hand into his palm, and said softly.

But as soon as his words fell, Tang Anran suddenly took his hand out of his hand, a mocking smile raised at the corner of his mouth, and turned to look at him: "Gu Shenxing, when are you going to lie to me?"

Facing Tang Anran's questioning, Gu Shenxing was stunned for an instant, and a bad feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

Sure enough, Tang Anran continued to speak in the next second: "What kind of medicine did you give me? Why would I forget everything?

Love, believe your nonsense! "

As Gu Shenxing guessed, Tang Anran really recovered his memory.

In fact, most of the drugs Gu Shenxing injected her before were absorbed by the child in her stomach. Now that the child is gone, the medicine has also flowed out of the blood. The residual medicine in Tang Anran's body is already very high. less.

In addition, the mood fluctuates too much and the brain is stimulated, so the medicine is completely ineffective, and she naturally thinks of everything.

Gu Shenxing looked at Tang Anran's eyes and didn't know what to say for a while.

He had imagined many possibilities, but never thought that Tang Anran would recover his memory so soon, let alone that his plan would have failed like this.

When Gu Wenjing and Gu Wenya heard this, they already understood everything.

It turns out that Gu Wuhao was right, and Shen Xi is really Xu Anran!

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