"Chapitre 3 " : my way or take your way

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My way or take your way

I kept redoing how the moment would have gone in my head.
I was hurt you could see it in my face.But you didn't care.
Middle school ended , high school started we were further apart then ever.Yet you were still there. I knew in my heart you would leave soon.

You never admitted it, though. You knew it was true. You knew I knew it was true.

For the way you hate physical contact yet still waste no time comforting someone when they need it most. For the way you should have years ago.
And I hoped you don't feel the same. Do I can get over it the same point.

Every minute I have been with him have been hell, I want nothing to do with him. Nothing.

I look up and I love my leg forward getting closer giving him a look of content it was the last day of me having patience...

Then I kick him in the balls.

Now that I share some of my stories
That I didn't experience im glad you guys read it


Welcome ! , My name is Malak the author , I'm so happy to have you reading.
Thank you for being here. I appreciate it. You all make writing so much fun and worth it.

Enjoy .

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