60. Family Tree

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Sofia couldn't focus on watching Denaro brothers from afar because every now and then some random guy would start a meaningless small talk with her and she didn't want to be rude by cutting him off.

"So what are you doing tomorrow?" Marco asked, trying to play it cool. He was a tall and skinny boy, with thin brown hair combed with gel, it looked greasy in Sofia's opinion. The air around him screamed, "stuck up asshole".

"What do you mean?" She asked out of politeness.

"I mean... Would you like to hang out somewhere together?" He asked taking a step closer to her. Ew.

"I don't know? M-maybe not? I mean. I'm busy, so busy tomorrow" Sofia rambled. Geez, she needs to figure out how to say no.

"At least give me your number then" he insisted, without getting a hint that she wants this conversation to be over.

"Um... sure" she replied, defeated.

"You're 21 years old man and she's 17," a deep voice said. It belonged to Rosario who wrapped his arm around Marco's shoulder in what was supposed to look like a friendly gesture, but in Sofia's opinion, Rosario was trying to strangle the poor boy.

"Y-yes sir, of course" with shaky hands he followed his order.

"Good boy" Rosario released his from his grasp and patted his shoulder as if he was praising a dog for learning a new trick. "You can leave now" he dismissed him.

"O-of course, it was good to see you. Regards from my parents" Marco bowed quickly and left.

Now Sofia was desperately searching with her gaze for her brothers, well the ones that she was living with, naturally.

"Can I get your number too since you're giving it to any man that asks?" Rosario asked casually, with hands in his pockets. His confidence seemed natural just like his playful attitude. He didn't look like a person who takes life seriously and yet, there was something serious hidden in his green eyes.

"Clearly not. You're not getting my number" Sofia said drily surprised by the confidence in his voice.

"And why is that?" He didn't seem to mind her attitude.

"My brothers told me to stay away from you" she replied.

"I am your brother too, don't you care about what I have to say?" he asked, his eyes narrowed.

"Of course, I care!" Sofia said, traces of pain appearing on her face "But I care about their feelings more" After saying that she turned on her heel and ran into the crowd to hide from his gaze.

Suddenly the room became suffocating to her, so many people, loud people talking to the rhythm of classical music. Right now violinist was having a solo and it was a dynamic piece only adding to her anxiety.

Thankfully, she found a balcony. The sounds became dulled, she could take a breath of fresh air and enjoy the night sky.

"Nice evening, don't you think?" Felice made a casual observation while holding a glass of champagne in his hand.

"Are you even allowed to speak to your patients outside of the office?" Sofia asked, irritated. She was having orange juice in a fancy crystal glass.

11 months more and she will be able to drink alcohol. Soon.

"If you want to tell on me that old man right there. He works at medical ethics committee" Felice pointed with his head on an old man in a brown suit and checkered shirt. "But I must warn you that he's my uncle"

"Of course he is!" She responded shaking her head and Felice chuckled when he saw her defeated look. "Nepotism is raging here, isn't it? Everyone is related to someone" she said very frustrated by this fact.

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