76. No matter what

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Today Sofia was going back home with Alessio and Valentino. Lately, her brothers were able to drive a car without arguing with each other so that was good.

Sofia needed to ask a question she would normally ask a friend but she didn't know Veronica that well yet so they would have to do.

"If you knew that two boys... I mean two girls like you and you didn't want to hurt either of their feelings what would you do?" Sofia asked suddenly. She needed answers because she didn't know what to do.

"I'd choose to join nunnery" Valentino scoffed, clearly annoyed.

"Men can't join nunneries," Sofia said dryly.

"I'd choose a pious life of a hermit then" he replied stubbornly.

She rolled her eyes. That was unhelpful.

"Something else?"

"Sof, if you want a boy's advice... ask someone else" Valentino said, his voice resigned.

"But I really need one" she said as if it was changing something.

"And you think we are the best people to ask?" Valentino asked, frustrated as well.

"Yes? I mean maybe? You don't want me to ask you?" She said, her voice hurt.

"Of course we want you to ask us" Alessio replied calmly. "But we also want to punch both Bruno and Anastasio when you talk about them"


"Because they're bothering you and neither one is good enough" Valentino scoffed as if it was obvious.

"I am the only one who can determine who is good enough" Sofia pointed out in a smart-ass voice.

"We will see about that" Valentino replied darkly.


"You know, there are two boys who are hitting on Sofia"

"Seriously? Why would you say this Valentino?" Sofia asked. Screw that idiot.

"Because it's true? Oh, and also - I'm bored" He shrugged her arms shamelessly.

"Who?" Rosario started his interrogation.

"Bruno Neri and Anastasio Santini" Valentino replied.

"Really? Sofia was speechless at the audacity.

"I'm fine with Bruno he's a smart intelligent young man. Anastasio on the other hand is a menace and you should stay away from him" Alessandro said calmly.


Wait, did he just tell her can't hang out with Anastasio? Sofia wasn't sure how to interpret his words.

"Anastasio is not a menace" Sofia defended her friend.

Alessandro was not the type of person who considered the angry words of a teenager as a challenge. He didn't even bother to reply, he continued to consume his meal completely unaffected by her words.

"I disagree with you, Alessandro" Rosario said and Sofia suddenly started feeling hope.

Rosario is going to tell him that Sofia is a free person and can do what she wants. Right?

"Bruno is a nobody, he has no family background your relationship has no future. If anything Anastasio is the only acceptable option"

"I'm sorry why are you discussing who am I going to date? How would you feel if I started a debate with Valentino about who you are allowed to go out with?"

Of course, that didn't shut them up. Alessandro shook his head, Rosario burst out in laughter, and Valentino...Valentino was enjoying his life by making fun of Sofia of course.


"Alessio?" She was surprised.

It was right after dinner. Alessio showed up in the private library next to Alessandro's office and sat on a chair next to Sofia.

Sofia had already forgotten what book she was reading when he entered the room. The thing with Alessio was that he never talked. Their last conversation was during the holiday trip two weeks ago.

They didn't know each other which was really... sad and Sofia wouldn't approach him on her own because he was too cool for that. She was looking up to him

"What are you doing here?"

"Checking up on you," he said "you looked upset"

Alessio had a weird superpower of showing up always when Sofia was struggling.

"That's because I am" she replied, looking at the floor.

"Why?" He asked while taking a seat next to her.

"Anastasio and Bruno I suspect they both like me and not only as friends. I'm afraid that if I even think about picking one I will hurt another and loose a friend. I don't want that"

"You worry too much. If they're your friends they won't abandon you simply for doing what's best for you" he replied calmly "and if they do so what? You have your family and we will never abandon you no matter what" Alessio replied.

How come he always knows what to say to calm her down? Sofia just threw herself at him to trap him in a bear hug.

"You're messing up my shirt" he complained as his shirt was getting wet but instead of moving away he just kept stroking her hair in silence.


I hope you liked it. Thank you for reading. :)

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