68. Broken Queen

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Ianniello mansion

"Why did you let her go?" Francesco asked quietly, looking at his brother with betrayed expression.

"If I made her stay she would have to watch Valentino getting hurt. This would kill her. I asked Raul to follow her quietly without intervening in case she..." Alessandro replied. He made this decision with a heavy heart, he could see in Sofia's eyes how desperate she was and he knew no matter what choice will he make it would end badly.

He was worried about her and he really hoped she had at least some minimal experience with driving a vehicle. Kids in the US were getting driver's licenses at 16 after all.

"I can't believe she didn't take the helmet". Francesco said with a hollow voice. "Her reckless behaviour is not normal"

Alessandro laid his hand on his brother's shoulder in a supporting gesture.

"All we need to do is observe now. The time will come when we will be able to get her back" he promised.

Denaro mansion

Emilio didn't enter the house. It turns out he had a business to do. Alessio was nowhere to be found from the beginning. So she was completely alone with Rosario.

Sofia looked at the house. It was equally intimidating as Ianniello's with a big difference. While Ianniello's style was more traditional with historic meaning here what was winning was modernity and minimalism. A perfect mix of luxury and simplicity.

She couldn't enjoy the beautiful views because she was too overwhelmed by what went down just now. She got what she wanted and Valentino was going back home. But she was stuck here now. Or was she?

"What are you planning to do now?" Sofia asked. The house had an open-space design so the kitchen was connected to the living room and the hallway.

"I will make you a tea"

Huh? He will what? It was such a normal thing she didn't know how to react.

"Do you like a tea with raspberry syrup?" he asked.

"Seriously? Are you seriously asking me this question right now?" she asked incredulously leaning over the white-marble kitchen counter with her arms crossed over her chest.

He looked at her with eyebrows raised "I will take it as a no"

"Yes, I like the raspberry syrup," she said, her face completely red with embarrassment, then she decided to touch the most burning question right now. "How do you see this situation coming to an end?"

"What do you mean?" Rosario asked, his voice neutral and his face unreadable.

"I am 17. After a few months, I can leave. Both you and Ianniellos won't see me again if you plan to use me as an excuse to fight each other" she snarled.

"So you think you will be allowed just leave because what? A number on your ID changes? You think I give a shit when you're legally an adult? Oh Sofia is 18 I guess now she can do whatever she wants even if it means escaping her family?"' He asked ironically.

"For now you're not my family, you're my kidnappers," she said, not letting her fear overtake her. She was weak, yes. But it didn't mean she'd give up when the safety of her brothers was compromised.

"Really Sofia? Low blow. We just needed to get you back" Rosario said bitterly. "I left you a letter and yet still you had to be coerced to come here. Family is everything to us, learn to operate within that premise" he lectured.

"Do you not understand why I made that choice? Ianniellos took care of me when I was completely alone and scared and they saw you as a threat. Do you think I wanted to give them hard time after everything they did for me?" Sofia asked desperately needing him to understand.

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