Chapter 16

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We need waffle mix and whipped cream and maple syrup and powdered sugar and

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We need waffle mix and whipped cream and maple syrup and powdered sugar and... Penelope recited the grocery list in her head as she drove her dad's truck into town.

That morning her dad had surprised her with a top-of-the-line waffle iron for their cabin so they could have waffles for breakfast whenever they wanted without having to venture into town. Unfortunately, when he'd made the purchase, he hadn't actually thought to get any of the things they'd need to actually make said waffles.

Not even waffle mix.

But Penelope was happy to do an early morning run into town to get supplies. It was her turn, anyway; her dad had been doing their supply runs for the entire time they had been in Ridgestone. Besides, there were a few things she wanted to pick up from the tech store before her interview with Henry this afternoon.

As she turned onto the main street, her mental grocery list was pushed aside to make way for all the things she still had to do for the interview. She needed to get some kind of microphone, a tripod, maybe even a laptop... She wasn't sure if Henry would want his face in the video or if she'd have to blur his face, crime documentary style. She'd need a laptop for that, and at the very least, a laptop would make it easier to edit these videos.

She still couldn't quite believe that Henry had agreed to the interview. It was nice that he trusted her, but she had a feeling that spite was his bigger motivator. Either way, Penelope wasn't going to question it too much. If Henry's wanted to share his story, great. If Henry wanted to share his story with her, even better. She didn't care if his primary motivation was to screw over Gunnar.

Just as she thought of the town's mayor, Penelope spotted him. He was standing on the median in the centre of the street, beneath the shadow of the relocated Raven statue. Despite the early hour, there was a crowd of gathered people circled around him.

Speak of the devil and he will appear, Penelope thought as she pulled into a spot right in front of the grocery store.

From this new angle, she could see why there was a crowd. Xander Green was there, film crew and Daevon right alongside him, filming a scene. Xander was in frame and looked like he was interviewing the mayor. After a moment, Penelope heard someone call "CUT!" and the crowd around them broke into applause. The mayor was beaming as he revelled in the praise, doing a series of over-the-top bows.

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