Chapter 40

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As Penelope descended into the cellar, she was surprised to find it well-lit

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As Penelope descended into the cellar, she was surprised to find it well-lit. Electric lanterns had been placed around the room, set atop the stacks of crates. It had been a strange kindness to give much-needed light to the people sitting in the centre of the room, considering they were prisoners. They were sitting in a circle, their backs together, and their heads hung down against their chests. It looked like they were asleep... Or worse...

Penelope fought the urge to run straight to them. She had to play it smart. From her spot at the top of the stairs, she scanned the room and did a quick count. There were four of them—Daevon, the camera guy, the sound guy, and... Liam. But there was no sign of Henry or Gunnar.

With the coast clear, Penelope finally allowed herself to run down the rest of the stairs. She rushed straight to Liam's side

"Liam! Liam!" she half-hissed-half-cried. She shook his shoulder, rattling the chains that were fastened around his arms. "Liam! Are you okay?"

Liam's head snapped up at the sound of her voice. His eyes brightened at the sight of her and he tried to say something, but his reply was muffled because of the silver strip of duct tape across his mouth. He groaned in frustration and flashed his eyes down—a silent request for her to take it off.

Penelope grimaced as she reached for the corner of the tape. She knew this was going to hurt... In one swift movement, she yanked it off.

Liam cried out as the tape took a layer of skin with it.

The other crew members had noticed her now, too. They were mumbling at her through their own strips of duct tape. Penelope would get to them soon enough, but first—

"Why the hell did you come back here?!" Liam snapped.

"Why wouldn't I?" Penelope hissed back, taking a closer look at the chains wrapped around his arms. They were woven through the chains of the others and each one of them had a padlock fastening them in place. She didn't know what she was going to do about the chains. Henry had brought tools to cut through them, but she had no idea where he was now... "I wasn't gonna just leave you here!"

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