Chapter 25

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Penelope stared at the open door, her heart racing as she tried to figure out what to do

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Penelope stared at the open door, her heart racing as she tried to figure out what to do. She looked back at the others, at Lyla, Beth, Henry and Liam, all still circled around the table. Henry shrugged with indifference. Beth and Lyla, also parents, shared pitying looks of understanding. Liam, however, appeared to be in shock. He and Penelope shared a silent, wide-eyed look.

If her dad was really so determined to take her away from Ridgestone... Would they ever see each other again?

Penelope set her jaw. No.

She wasn't going to let it happen like this.

Leaving Liam staring after her, Penelope ran out and chased after her dad.

As she raced down the porch steps, she scanned the area for her father. She had hoped that once he got outside and some fresh air into his lungs, that would've calmed him down a little. But he was nowhere in sight. The only sign of him was the door to their cabin hanging open as if he had been in such a hurry he couldn't even be bothered to close it.

She rushed forward, heading for it.

"Dad!" she called out as soon as she got in the door. "Dad, where are you?"

He didn't answer. But Penelope heard rustling upstairs, in the loft. She ran further into the house, into the living room, and looked up.

Just as he said he would be, her father was packing. He blindly shoved things into his duffel bag, not even folding them or even looking to see what they were.

"Dad!" she called again.

He didn't bother to look up. "Go get your things, Penelope. We're leaving as soon as we're packed."

"No, I—I want to talk about this! Can you please just stop for one second?"

Her father did not stop.

"We don't have to leave right away," Penelope pleaded. "It's not like the Raven is going to walk through the cabin door and snatch me up. We can talk first."

Her father kept packing.

Penelope huffed. "You're not even looking at what you're doing! You're packing the cabin's towels—those aren't even ours."

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