Chapter 23

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"Uh, I don't know about it." Zach scratched the back of his head out of uncertainty. "She didn't even show up at the Penthouse. Did you tell her I was going to be there?"

"Look, Zach. I didn't say anything about you."

"Well, maybe you should have!"

"If you weren't so damn awkward around her maybe I'd have more to go off of." Sally challenged him. "I can't sell you to her if all I've gotten is a man full of weirdness."

Zach huffed, folding his arms across his chest. Sally was right.

"I sing, I dance. I write music. I love my mother." Zach tried the selling himself thing. "I'm a good guy. A really good guy. Try those?" He suggested, hope filled his chest. His eyes had even glazed over a little.

Sally nodded in understanding. "I'll see what I can do."

Zach wrapped his arms around Sally, squeezing her in overly appreciation. He let go, sighing in relief as he plastered a "thank you" grin on his face before stepping into the doorframe of the break room.

Zach had witnessed what he witnessed, yet he had come to realization. What he had saw, was his ammo.

Knowing Leilani and Mr. Vanderbilt could possibly have something going on was really all he needed. With that information, he'd start to try harder with Leilani.

What could his boss really do about it? Would Mr. Vanderbilt come out and address it to the entire office? No, he wouldn't. And Zach knew this because of the Rachel mess from before. Mr. V wouldn't be able to live through another headline in the town paper or a month worth of office gossip.

Zach's plan was to show himself more. You know, dress better. Just all around rework his appearance.

After taking note of Mr. Vanderbilt's attire and commitment to great personal hygiene, it was clear that he needed to appeal more to Leilani's senses. The senses that stemmed from her attraction to his boss.

Zach literally started taking notes. From the moment Mr. V had stepped into the office. He quickly jotted down his style. The kind of suits and shoes he wore. Zach even took it as far as writing down his hairstyle and the metal on his suit cuffs.

"She made it in." Zach whisper yelled to Sally before swiftly jogging to his cubicle.

Leilani wasn't in the mood for Sally this morning. She's forgiven Sally's nosiness and forced invitation, yesterday.

Her ill mood really just came from nearly missing her bus this morning. She had missed Carter's morning call for a ride this morning because she had woken up late.

Leilani's curls had also dropped from not having enough time to set. Her dress had a wrinkle or two on the side and she had chosen a pair of incredibly uncomfortable heels this morning.

She was having a horrible day.

Leilani decided to wait a little while before filling her morning mug. With the way her day was already going she thought it best to not engage with anyone. She hadn't even talked to her favorite person yet.

Before the office crowded, Leilani headed to ladies room to touch up her hair and make up.

She opted for a sleek, high pony and did a light face of makeup. It wasn't her best look but with how she was feeling, it was the best she could do.

"Hey, girlfriend."

Leilani wanted to scream.



"Good morning." Leilani greeted her, simply.

At this very moment, she just wanted to run out and escape. It was as if every corner she turned or any room she entered, Sally had found her there.

"You look good." Sally noticed.

"Thanks, you too."

Leilani didn't really check Sally out. She also wanted to keep the conversation short just to get out of there. Quickly, she began putting everything back into her makeup bag.

"Would you mind helping me? I need a few touch ups as well." Sally had caught Leilani just as she had spun on her heels to exit the ladies room.

In her head, Leilani heard a screeching in mental agony. "My feet are really killing me, I just want to head back to my desk." Leilani tried to back out.

Sally displayed praying hands and her face had now transitioned into a pout.

"Would you please stay for a few minutes and help? You look great. I could use a few pointers." Sally begged.

Leilani closed her eyes for a few minutes before closed-mouthed smiling.

Sally carried lipstick and mascara in her pocket. How was Leilani supposed to "touch up" with this?

Leilani aligned the lipstick perfectly on Sally's lips. She had even managed to give her a nice arch to compliment her Cupid's bow. She also used the lipstick on Sally's cheek to give Sally a refreshing, rosy appearance. The mascara was essentially useless but Leilani still used it on Sally. Because the mascara was brown, Leilani lightly combed it across Sally's brows. The look turned Sally into a more youthful woman.

You did good, girl. Leilani had outdone herself in just five minutes.

With heat making its way to the bottoms of her feet,
Leilani again attempted to leave the room.

But again, Sally needed something else.

"Could we talk for a bit? Just a little heart-to-heart." Sally requested, trying to sound innocent.

Leilani chose to give in. She was done fighting Sally off for the day. Maybe after this heart-to-heart, Sally would finally leave her alone.

Leilani nodded in agreement. Sally began speaking.

"Im trying to get back into the dating scene." Sally giggled to herself.

Leilani furrowed her brows in confusion. She didn't even know Sally was trying to date anyone.

"Anywho, I got asked out for beer and pizza this Friday. He's a little young so I'm hoping he can make me feel a little young." Sally told her.

Leilani hadn't spoken back yet. There really wasn't anything to respond it.

Sally noticed Leilani's silence.

"But, I was wondering if you'd come along? Please. It wouldn't really be third wheeling. I just want you there for... comfort."

"Sure." Leilani blandly let out.

"Great!" Sally stood, slipping her arm around Leilani's, still talking as they exited the ladies room.

"He sings, he dances. He writes music. He loves his mother."

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