Chapter 19

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Vote and comment if you like this book. I'm thinking of scrapping it 😭 also, I made up for chapter 18. ENJOY

When the work day was over, Leilani had quickly realized she wasn't over Carter. Zach's suspiciously sudden interest in her had only confirmed her feelings. She wanted no parts of Zach.

Leilani's plan was to head to the elevator a minute early to beat the rush and avoid Zach at all costs.

Unfortunately, when she made it to the elevator, he was there too. Pushing the descending button. Great.

Leilani greeted him with a weak smile, keeping her eyes on the elevator doors. She figured if she stared hard enough, they would magically open. It was stupid to think though. The office was on the top floor. It would be a while.

"Have you seen Sally today?" Zach broke the ice. Leilani cleared her throat and turned to face him. "Yes, I did and," she began but was cut of by a ding!

The doors finally opened. Leilani and Zach hurried inside, moving quickly as they didn't want the elevator flooded with people. Well, Zach didn't. He was hoping he'd have a few moments of silence with her to inquire about a date.

"Wait," they heard a voice call out. Not thinking twice, Zach immediately and repeatedly began pressing the 'close door' button. This caused Leilani to giggle. Zach was crazy.

A black briefcase slid between the closing doors, eventually prying them open. Leilani knew whos briefcase it was. She wiped the smile off of her face and put on a straight face.

Carter entered the elevator with the Leilani and Zach. Carter was in no mood to stay late at the office today. After hearing everything he had heard earlier, he really didn't want to be there.

"Oh," Carter said out loud once inside. He actually didn't mean to say that out loud. "Hello." Carter kept things short. Leilani nodded in his direction. "Hey, Mr. V." Zach welcomed him, happily.

Seeing Leilani so often throughout the day was starting to mess with Carter's head. It had only been one day and he just wanted to wrap his arms around her.

Carter never wanted things to end. He just wanted to respect Leilani's wishes. Even if it meant never touching her again and losing her to a nobody like Zach.

There was a moment of silence. Leilani assumed they would ride the elevator in silence but Zach still intended on asking her out.

"I know you got cut off before we got on, but would you like to go out sometime?" Zach asked her. This was awkward for Leilani. Someone who liked her and someone who she was absolutely crazy for, had her cornered.

She knew Carter would remain quiet so, Leilani took a deep breath and answered Zach. "I'm sure you're a nice guy. But, I can't. I just got out of... something. I'm not ready to date again." Leilani answered him, truthfully.

And just as she finished her sentence, the elevator stopped and they'd successfully made it to the lobby. Zach scoffed. "Girls like you never give guys like me a chance." Zach scoffed, bolting out of the elevator, leaving Carter and Leilani alone.

Taken aback, Leilani hung her head low and sighed. She really couldn't catch a break with men. Not wanting Carter to pity her, she started to head out but felt a hand secure itself around her wrist.

"Wait." Was all she heard.

As soon as she turned around, the elevator doors suddenly closed, and Carter smashed his lips into hers. Carter lifted her; Leilani secured her legs around his waist.

His briefcase dropped, files sliding out that Carter could care less about. Leilani's things had also fallen, as well as a heel sliding off her foot when Carter lifted her.

"Carter," Leilani kept trying to say in between the kisses. The sweetest kisses, at that. Carter's soft lips against hers was pure ecstasy. She missed them terribly.

But, this was wrong.

Leilani managed to get out of his grasp. It was very hard. Not because he was much bigger, but because she didn't want to.

When they finally managed to catch their breaths, Leilani looked at the environment they were in. An elevator. Carter had thrown his briefcase to the side, it was now flipped upside down on the floor. Leilani had lost a shoe when she was lifted off the ground.

"Carter," Leilani panted. She planned to say more but time was against her. "I really need to go." Was all she told him. Leilani gathered her things as quickly as she could, barely making it to the bus stop in time.


"I could have sworn I said 5:30." Leilani's mother was already on it. She didn't care if Leilani was a second late. Follow the rules.

"I'm sorry. I walked slow." Leilani lied. She actually jogged home from the bus stop. Carter had gotten her so caught up. But still, the time was unrealistic.

"Didn't ask why." Her mother told her. Leilani took a seat at the kitchen island, annoyed. Her mother was really starting to annoy her. Would she ever be able to live her own life?

Leilani watched her mother cut up vegetables for dinner. She didn't want to be like her. Single, lonely, and uptight. Every guy Leilani's mother had dealt with, never lasted. Leilani never knew why, nor did she ask. She assumed it was her mother's uptight attitude.

Leilani wanted nothing else than to be with Carter, unconditionally. This was absolute torture!

"Well, I've got a lot of work to do. I'll come back down for dinner." Leilani told her, not waiting for a response.

As she sat at her desk reading manuscripts, Leilani fingers always found themselves tracing over Carter's handwriting. She missed him. A lot.

Leilani was failing horribly at following her mother's rules. Especially, being so easily reattached to Carter.

So, she made a decision.

Leilani pulled out her cellphone, her hands unsteady.

Leilani: I miss you. I miss us. Can we talk?

Carter: Midnight.

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