Chapter 16

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"You will resign from that office." Her mother finally broke the silence once they were back in the house. "All those late nights..." She muttered, slamming the door behind her. Her mother secured both locks as well as the chain as if Carter were going to break through the door.

"Oh, I had so much work to do." Her mother mocked her, recalling Leilani's excuses to go out with Carter. "My boss is so amazing." Her mother mocked again. She threw her hands up in disbelief.

"What were you thinking, huh?" Her mother yelled. "You accept this opportunity of a lifetime to go and ruin it with some white man!"

Leilani was numb. She heard everything her mother said but she couldn't retain anything because of everything running through her mind. She was nothing but a fool.

As she sobbed, her mother did nonstop lecturing. "You will be quitting the internship." Her mother instructed. "And you will cut off all contact with that man. 20 years older than you..." She muttered angrily under breath. Leilani watched her mother stomp upstairs, then slam her bedroom door shortly after.

Leilani wiped her tears and followed suit. She knew better than to test her mother.

Dear Mr. Vanderbilt,

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from my position as assisting Junior Editor. My last day with Vanderbilt Publications will be exactly two weeks from now.

To make things easier, I am happy to assist you with any training tasks during my final weeks on the job. I intend to leave thorough instructions and recent assignments for my replacement.

I would like to thank you for the knowledge and experience I have gained by working here. I am very grateful for the time I have spent at Vanderbilt Publications and the professional relationships I've built. It's been a pleasure working for you, and I hope our paths will cross again in the future.


Leilani Jones.

Leilani had cried so much trying to write the letter. This is not how she wanted things to end.

Carter had completely broken her. Her mother couldn't stand the sight of her. And to make matters worse, she still had half the summer left before she was headed off to school.

After printing and placing her resignation letter into an envelope, she finally climbed into bed and unwillingly, checked her cell phone.

Carter: I don't know what to say.

Carter: I'm so sorry.

Carter: You didn't deserve that lie.

Carter: Is everything okay with your mother?

No, Carter. Everything isn't okay. Leilani thought to herself.

Carter: Please talk to me.

Carter: I'll give you your space. Just please call me when you are ready to talk.

Carter: I won't be in the office tomorrow.

Leilani checked her call log as well. Carter had called eleven times since she'd been forced out with her mother.

During her restless night, Leilani thought about everything that had just happened in the last twelve hours. Maybe this was a sign from God or something. She didn't care that she hadn't been to church in months, she still kept the faith.

Logically thinking, it was never going to work. He was much too old for her. Clearly, he has a problem with self-sabotaging his relationships with women. She wished she'd never applied to the internship.

Leilani must have dosed off because she rose to the sound of her alarm chiming. Usually, she woke up an hour earlier than normal to look her absolute best for the office... and Carter. But instead of starting the process of her calm, glam look, she just grabbed her robe and went downstairs to get breakfast since she had ample time left.

She soon regretted her decision though. Her mother sat at the kitchen table, sipping coffee and reading a magazine. She was already dressed for work. A black dress, silver sandals, and her hair pinned up in a bun. She didn't look up from the magazine.

Leilani decided not to be rude. "Good morning, mom." She said, simply. Her mother was a little stunned at her daughters approach. "Good morning, sweetheart." She replied. Leilani rummaged through the fridge, fishing for breakfast items.

"I've been thinking..." Her mother began trailing off, flipping through the pages of her magazine. "Maybe, I was too harsh on you last night." She continued. "You're young. And I was young once, too." She closed the magazine and looked up at her daughter, who still had her back turned. Leilani was listening. She was trying to keep down the lump in her throat.

"If you promise to end whatever it is that you have going on with your boss, you can continue working there. No more late nights. I want you home by 5:30pm sharp. Your weekends will be spent in our neighborhood only. Do you think you can handle that? Promise me." He mother listed her rules. Leilani finally faced her and smiled. She nodded, "yes, I promise can handle that." Leilani confirmed.

Her mother smiled and rushed over to her daughter, wrapping her arms around her. "I love you." She whispered into Leilani's ear. "I love you too."

Leilani stepped foot into the lobby of Vanderbilt publications. She felt crappy. Her chest was heavy, she had forgotten how to breathe. She looked crappy too. She'd conformed to societies basic work attire. A black pants suit. A white button up. Black loafers.

It's July.

Her hair was slicked back into a low bun. No make up. No jewelry. She carried a briefcase. Leilani decided to bring along her resignation letter just incase she couldn't handle working alongside Carter. Leilani still hadn't fixated her mind to believe that he would just blatantly lie to her face. He could've been honest with her. It wouldn't have changed the way she looked or felt about him.

Leilani also didn't know if anyone at the office knew about any of this. You never really know who knows who around the office.

Leilani greeted Glenda and waved to Sally as she rushed to her cubicle. She really didn't want to be seen today. But of course, attention was brought to her there too.

Two dozen red and white roses sat atop her desk. A small white card with Leilani written in cursive on the front. She dropped her briefcase into her chair and opened it up:

I'm sorry. Please forgive me.


Leilani's face began heating up.

She couldn't handle it. She couldn't break her mothers rules. Leilani opened up her briefcase and retrieved the resignation letter. Remembering that he wouldn't be in the office today, she rushed into his office.

"Oh, thank God you're here."

Leilani's heart stopped.

He had lied to her once again.

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