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After Lucian kissed me, dad came back into the room. He didn't say anything about our close proximity but did tell Lucian to pull his truck up. I'm not sure if he knew or not but I was grateful for him not saying anything. I would have been embarrassed.

"Let's get going!" Zane said as he came into the kitchen. He stopped when he saw my beet red face and Lucian's smirking one. He seemed to have caught on but brushed it off.

"I'll go get my truck." Lucian left the room. Dad handed Zane a stack of papers and had some of his own.

"Ok I'm ready." Darius said.

"Good. Let's go." Dad said and started leading us to the front door. His car was in the driveway and Lucian just pulled his behind it. Dad walked to his truck and said something through the window. After he was done he came back over to us.

"Your with Lucian." He said. I wonder why? Maybe because Zane and Darius were going in his car.

"Ok." I nodded and headed over to Lucian's truck. When I struggled to get in Lucian couldn't help but give me a little smirk. I've noticed he was showing more emotions the more I talked to him.

"Can I have another kiss, darling?" Lucian asked. He had turned and leaned in closer to me. I also noticed he dropped his voice lower.

"Y- yes." I said shyly. He still intimidated me. I was getting used to it though.

Lucian leaned over more and planted a small kiss on my lips. I liked how soft and warm his lips were on mine.

"You're addicting." Lucian said as he pulled away. I felt my cheeks blush brightly and I quickly turned, hoping he wouldn't notice. "Very much addicting." He muttered again before finally pulling out of the driveway.

We led the way to the law office. Once we got there Lucian helped me out of his truck and led me inside with my dad and brothers.

"Hey your back! And brought the whole gang..." Hailey trailed off as she saw Lucian standing close behind me. I would be shocked too. I haven't seen Lucian get three feet within people unless it was my dad or brothers.

"And we brought proof of relation." Dad held up the papers proudly.

"Great! I would have you three sit out here but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen." Hailey sighed. I looked at my brothers who did not seem very keen on being left out. "Well let's head to my office."

Hailey led us to her bright office and gave us all chairs to sit on. My brothers sat on a couch but Lucian refused to sit. Instead he stood at the door.

While dad was getting the papers spread out Hailey tried to make small talk. "So how's the club running?" She asked Lucian. I had forgotten he was the prez of the MC. Wasn't he supposed to have a meeting everyday? And isn't there supposed to be a club house? I've only seen the bar. Or I guess it's a club.

"Fine." Lucian was back to not talking. He really was antisocial.

"Ok here is the documents I have." Dad pushed the papers in front of Hailey. She looked through everything carefully before grabbing a pen and writing something down.

"Emily? When is your birthday?" She asked. I realized I haven't told anyone yet.

"N- next month I think." I said.

"You think? Don't you know your own birthday?" Darius asked.

"W- well mom never r- really celebrated holiday's." I shrugged. It wasn't something we did. I don't think I've even gotten a gift since I was a small child.

"Do you know what day?" Dad asked.

"November fifteenth." I said. I remember sitting in my room hoping that my mother would spare me from the abuse for that one day. She didn't. I don't think she even knew when my birthday was.

"Perfect, I'll write that down." Hailey smiled. She signed a few more things before looking back up. "You know, if you did this without having ties in the law world, you'd have to get the mother to sign this off of proof that she was unfit, or go through some serious court issues." Hailey said.

She was right. I'd have to be returned to my mother if we didn't have Hailey.

"Yes, thank you, Hailey." Dad sighed.

"Of course. Now, Emily is still a minor until next month so we need a judge's approval and all that." Hailey pulled out a file. "But the good news is I'm friends with one of them. He knows all about you guys. He's helped out before actually." She showed his picture to dad. He nodded in approval. "Usually this is a three month process, I'll make it a few weeks." Hailey winked.

"Why does it take so long?" Zane asked.

"Usually you have to do a bunch of background checks and home study, but since I already know you I'll just write that I've been doing that for a while. Cody will approve that. And she already been with your for a few weeks and seems just fine. But if I find out someone lays a hand on this precious girl, I will file a report and make sure it gets through." Hailey threatened. Neither of the men liked that.

"Someone lays a hand on Emily and I will rip their throat out." Lucian sneered. I blushed. I never knew how much people could care for one person.

"Good." Hailey sighed. She shuffled through a few more things before laying everything down neatly. "I will take these to Cody and get his approval. I'll see you again in a few weeks." Hailey said.

"Thanks, Hailey." Dad thanked her. Hailey nodded.

"You're very welcome." She smiled. "Bye Emily!" Hailey waved. I smiled and waved back before Lucian practically shoved me out of the room. He didn't seem to like the bright office decor. I should keep that in mind.

"Emily how do you feel about shopping in a mall?" Dad asked. That was very out of the blue.

"I- I guess it m- might be fun." I said. I've never really been shopping. Always just quick trips to Walmart.

"Would you want to go now? Maybe get some decorations for your room?" He asked. I thought about it. It would be a new experience. And I'd have Lucian and my brothers there.

"Sure!" I nodded.

"Alright than, we're going shopping."

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