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We had just started on this investigation to find Lucian. We had no idea where he was and it was affecting my health. Dad and my brothers were especially worried about me. It's been two days!

While Hex was searching through enemy profiles, a random guy walked in. He was wearing a suit and looked very professional.

"Hello?" Bruiser eyes the man.

"Hello. My name is Agent Jackson. I'm a special agent with the FBI and will be leading the investigation of missing person Lucian Villin." The man said. It was very suspicious.

"Who filed a missing persons report?" Cerberus asked. He was upset as it is.

"He is very popular around these parts. Now I will need all documents and information about Mr. Villin." The man stepped further into the room.

Just as Bruiser was about to speak I cut him off. "W- wait. Nobody filed a missing persons report. And I don't know you. We will not be handing over any information about my husband. If you want to help than you can provide us with the proper means to do so. If you are just going to stand there and tell me what to do, than I suggest you leave or I will have you escorted off my property. I'm sure my men will have no trouble with that." I glared at the very tall man in front of me. He glared back with the same ferocity until Rage and the two enforcers stood up. Cerberus placed a hand on his gun and Ghost on his.

"Alright!" The man put his arms up. "I'll have agents ready at your disposal." He gave in.

"If you mind leaving your information, we will contact you if needed." I said before turning back around and sitting in my chair. Really it was the chair Lucian usually sits in but it's mine for now.

"Right." The man set down a card and left.

"So Lucian is your husband now?" Bruiser teased me. I had not even realized I said that.

"W- well he's my mate." I said. Suddenly I felt nervous. Everyone was looking at me. Was it really a big deal? I thought a mate basically was a spouse.

"It was just new." Hex patted my shoulder. "Also I'm pretty sure I've got a location." He said. Bruiser was immediately over his shoulder. Rogue was over the other. All three men were pointing at the screen and whispering.

"Hello? Any news?" Darius asked. I had even forgotten my brothers were in here. They've been quiet. Dad was working somewhere else and Josie was being closely supervised, still. We were all in the clubhouse though.

"Yea, we put a chip in his ring. The signal had interference until just now." Hex showed me the screen. I only saw a large green area and a dot in the center of it.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"Surprisingly still in this state. It's three hours away though." Hex frowned.

"I'll get there faster. I need Carbon, Rage, Ghost, and Zane." Rogue said. "I'll need one of Logan's snipers as well." He said. Zane picked up it phone and dialed dad.

"Someone get the vans ready. Two." Bruiser shouted. Suddenly the meeting room was chaos. Everyone was running around and getting things ready. Bruiser had left to manage was equipment was being taken, Rogue was going over a map with Hex, my brothers were getting the vans ready, and everyone else was suiting up.

"I'm going." I said to Rogue. His whole body stopped in place.

"Oh hell no. Sorry, princess, but not on this trip." Rogue shook his head.

"Why not?" I crossed my arms. I can't hide from my mom and these people forever.

"Because my alpha will have my head if he saw you." He said.

"Well fine. I'll leave and turn myself in." I turned. Rogue was now conflicted.

"Emily, you can't put yourself in danger like that." Hex tried to reason.

"You guys are." I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"We are trained and have done this stuff before. No offense Emily but you are still very young." Rogue said.

"I want to help find my mate!" I stomped my foot, now I was acting like a kid.

"You can't! If you get scratched we all get in trouble!" Rogue yelled. His face was red and I could tell he was upset.

"Why the hell are you screaming at my daughter?" Dad asked. He stepped into the room with two people I've never seen.

"Sir, she wants to go with us." Rogue explained.

"Why?" Dad asked. He didn't like the idea either.

"Because he's my mate. I-I want to help too!" I said.

"You can die or we lose you too, that's not a risk I want to take." Dad said. "Here's your snipers. You know each other." Dad showed the two men. They nodded at Rogue and sat down.

"Fine" I turned and left the room. I don't see why I can't go. Even if I have to sit in the car. Lucian is my mate and I should at least help free him. I want to see him when he first comes out. I want to know how bad his pain was.

I went up to Lucian's office and locked myself in there. I'll show them how mad I am. I sat in his chair and decided to look through some things. Might as well.

Lucian kept a log of boring things on his desk. Like paperwork that isn't filed, blank paper. The only thing interesting was his computer, but I couldn't get into it.

I sighed and opened the top drawer to my left. I immediately closed it. Weapons.

The next drawer was office supply. The third drawer had drawings. They were all signed with Cerberus signature. Why were his drawings in here.

At first I thought they were old tattoo designs for Lucian, until I saw one with my name. Did Cerberus make this for Lucian and I.

One of them had a wolf with a crooked crown it was pretty and looked very realistic. Another had my name at the top of the page. It was a girl standing before a wolf with her hand out. It was like she was stopping the wolf. It was cute and I decided to ask Lucian about them. I shoved them back in his desk sand closed the drawer.

Maybe now they changed their minds by now.

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