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Long one for you. I apologize for the crappy ones I've been posting.


It's already been a month since thanksgiving. Lucian can finally walk on his own and it was Christmas. I've spent the whole month looking for a gift for Lucian. I think I had it figured out.

"You have to hold still!" Cerberus pressed down on my shoulder.

"It hurts." I whined.

"I'm sorry, Princess, but it's worse if you move." He said. I huffed and tried to keep still. Why does this hurt so much!

"You're lucky your dad can keep Lucian busy long enough for this." Ghost said.

"W- what time is it?" I asked.

"Almost nine. I'm almost done." Cerberus said as the needle passed over my spine. No one warned me that tattoos were so painful!

After another ten minutes of pain, Cerberus was finally done. "Alright. I'm going to clean you up than bandage it. You can't take them off until I say so." He explained.

"I'll go let Logan know we are done." Ghost said. He got up and went into the office.

Cerberus put something cold on my back than wiped it off with a cold cloth. Than he placed some bandages over it.

"A weeks worth of progress, finished." Cerberus sighed.

"Sorry, I'm sensitive to pain." I said. I slowly started to stand up. My back felt itchy but I knew I couldn't touch it.

"It's alright, princess. It'll be worth it when I see Lucian's face." Cerberus smiled. I nodded.

"Alright, you can sneak in now. Lucian is occupied in his office." Ghost said.

I messed with my dress straps nervously. I wore a red open back dress that showed off my tattoo perfectly. Since it's been a few hours since it's been done I got to take the bandages off. I was going to surprise Lucian with it later.

I slipped on a jacket and some flats before heading out. The large room that had tables and booths now was organized with a tree and many seats. It's been like this for about a week. Me and the girls decorated it.

I decided to just stand next to the bar so Lucian couldn't sneak up on me yet. Cowboy was still working tonight and Rage was sitting next to me.

"Cerberus did good." Rage complimented.

"I agree with him for once." Cowboy said as he leaned over the counter. I thanked them just as Lucian was coming over.

He gripped my hips and set me on the counter. "Merry Christmas, darling." He said into my neck. I felt him leave gentle kisses. He was extra clingy today.

"M- merry Christmas, Luci." I said. I was nervous for his gift. He lifted his head from my neck and kept his eyes on mine.

"What's wrong?" Lucian asked. He noticed the slight stutter I had.

"N- nothing, it's just m- my first Christmas." I said. It was a valid excuse, I was nervous for that as well.

"Can you two stop making out on my bar!" Cowboy made a shoo gesture at us.

"My bar." Lucian corrected him.

"Actually it's mine. Now all of you into the living room." Dad said. Lucian helped me off the counter and we followed Rage and Cowboy out. Everyone was sitting on a couch or the floor. My brothers and Carbon being the ones on the floor.

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