Forgotten Wishes Hidden in the Deep

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NOTE: In this chapter, Japan (The Chrysanthemum Brother) will be referred to as the Chrysanthemum (as directed by the messengers in the previous chapter) I have bolded it to make it a little easier to read.


As soon as the small group stepped through the torii gate of the shrine, the surroundings dimmed and a cavernous stairway rumbled to the surface of the water. A majestic but ominous aura hung over them, as if they were transported into the realm beyond mortal comprehension. Five and NATO shared worried glances before following the two messengers down the spiraling abyss.

"Watch your step," they cautioned, "the stairs are really slippery from being submerged for so long."

They walked for who-knows-how-long and the temperature only dropped. The only light illuminating the treacherous steps came from the lanterns of the messengers and the magatama charms.

The dark, dangerous environment sent shivers down Five's spine, not to mention the distant wailing coming from somewhere outside. At this point, they were deep in the ocean where humans had barely touched. However, after walking a little further down, a serene aqua glow could be seen down the tunnel. Sure enough, the rock walls ended abruptly to expose the staircase to open water, though it never touched the stairs as if an invisible barrier held the water back. Even stranger, beautiful creatures that glided through the water surrounded the stairs, creating a surreal aquatic experience.

"What are these?" NATO breathed in awe as he observed a serpent-like creature made of pure light slide through the water alongside them.

"All of them are ancient ocean spirits who sought refuge in the deep. Don't worry, they're benevolent."

"Oh good," Five laughed nervously as a giant group of them gathered near him, "I was worried they wanted to eat me or something. They're probably just attracted to the magatamas."

A chiseled stone door appeared before them with the chrysanthemum crest embossed in the center. They had arrived and the messengers stepped to either side and gestured to the door.

"This is where we'll leave you. Beyond this door, you will find the young lord waiting for your arrival." The first one said.

"We hope you find what you came here for," the second one chimed in before bowing. Instead of walking back up the stairs, they leapt through the watery walls and into the ocean, thousands of meters beneath the surface. Not as humans, but as a pair of silvery oarfish. They circled the awestruck pair one last time before disappearing farther into the waters.

A line of text appeared on the door that roughly translated:

(Ryugu no Tsukai, Messengers of the Sea Lord's Palace)

Now thoroughly spooked and ready to get this divine business over with, Five and NATO grabbed their pieces of the sword and pushed through the doors to seek an audience with Japan, the Chrysanthemum brother.

After removing their shoes and stepping into the room, the first thing they noticed was the warmth. After trekking through the frigid cave for an hour, the heat was a welcome thing and they collapsed on the soft cushions prepared for them. Another thing they noticed was the room was empty. Japan- er- the Chrysanthemum was nowhere to be seen. Bubbles of doubt and panic began to surface as they worried that they had been tricked. That doubt was quickly erased, however, when a gentle voice said, "Guests from afar, you've finally arrived."

The wall in front of them, which was actually a screen, slid open to reveal a young man who was a spitting image of his sister. He smiled warmly as two attendants served tea and other assortments before he joined them at the low table. Though he offered the food and drinks, he didn't waste their time and immediately gestured to the pieces of the sword. Five picked up what he was implying and hesitantly slid them over for the Chrysanthemum to examine.

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