Chapter 4

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TW: Swearing

Note: For each chapter that gives a specific color (like how there's Electric Blue in this chapter), I'll be including a color palette! The link to it will be commented on the first paragraph, and it'll contain all colors mentioned in the chapter. The only exception will be the one for this chapter, which will be commented here.

"My baby's leaving the nest," Adrian cried.

"Oh my god you drama queen, I'll be back soon, dumbass. And even if I'm not here we can still talk through the Mindlink," Μοίρα said, putting a wing over her friend's shoulders. She was finally ready to leave on her adventure. They finally finalized their plans, and Μοίρα was ready to go.

"I'll miss you," Emmalay said.

"I'll miss you too, kiddo," Μοίρα replied, bumping noses with Emmalay, "And you too." She bonked Peter on the head with her tail.

"See ya, dork," Tyrone said, bumping his side into hers.

"Goodbye ya old man, try not to die while I'm gone," Μοίρα replied, hitting him back.

"You too," he stated.

Μοίρα did one last quick look over her supplies, which was just a bundle of dried fruit in case she couldn't find anything in some parks, said one last goodbye, and took to the air. She headed out towards the edge of the park, where she'd wait for a while longer before leaving. It was best to say her goodbyes now since she'd be leaving really late at night.

When it was finally time to leave, she took to the air, heading out towards the first park she'd be stopping at. Most of her journey was going to be at night, moving between parks then so she didn't have to worry about too many Kymari spotting her and getting curious as to why there was a Dragonet flying through the city.

The flight to the first park wasn't that long. Due to its close proximity to the main park, it was extremely small. She left the bundle wedged in the branches of a tree, and poked around a bit to see if there was anything even remotely interesting that would be worth staying for, before finding there wasn't, retrieving the bundle, and heading towards the next park. The next park was larger, and she decided to stop there for the night. She found a nice hiding spot, stashed her bundle away, rearranged a few things so she'd be more comfortable and a little more hidden, and settled down to sleep.

She woke up a little before sunrise the next morning, just in time to sing the Morning Song. There were a few small bushes with berries on them nearby, which the blood memories said were safe to eat, so she hid under the bushes, stripping off berries and eating them.

"Hey! How's the trip going?" Adrian prodded, startling her a bit as she hadn't expected the sudden voice.

"It's going well. Stopped by the first park for a little while, before heading on to the second, where I am currently. How are you and the others?" Μοίρα replied.

"We're good! The flight over to the pond is boring without you here. I'm already missing beating your ass in a race every morning," Adrian said.

"Oh you wish," Μοίρα stated. They talked for a while longer, Μοίρα sending her a couple images of what the park looked like. Eventually, Adrian had to go, so they bid each other goodbye, before letting the link fade. Μοίρα got up, leaving the bush to go explore.


After a week of traveling, and going to 11 parks, she reached the one she was at currently. It was a medium sized park along one of the city walls. The area it was in was lower than the surrounding land, so the earth collected water easily. It had rained yesterday, and now everything was wet. Pools of water rested on the ground. A large pipe in the wall helped drain some of the water, but not by much. The pipe had some sort of mesh over it to keep out animals.

She stuck the bundle high up in a hollowed spot in a tree, where it was dry, before going to explore the park. She found a new plant that occupied her for some time, the thick leaves giving her something to chew on for a while. She hadn't seen it anywhere else, so it probably was more suited for wetter conditions and wouldn't grow well elsewhere. When she finally grew tired of chewing on the plant, she went back to checking out other parts of the park. She caught a lizard, and that was about it. Nothing else was that interesting.

When the sun was starting to set, she returned to where she had stashed the bundle, and went to find another larger dry spot to sleep. Eventually, she located a suitable spot, and settled down there. She talked to Adrian about what she had done that day, eating a couple pieces of the dried fruit from the bundle since there weren't many plants with fruit on them that were edible in this park. She had been lucky with the majority of the other parks though, those had fruits that were all, or at least mostly, edible.

She couldn't sleep that night. Something just seemed... off, and she couldn't tell what. No matter what she did, she couldn't shake the feeling – she even moved spots to another dry place in the park, and that didn't help. Uneasily, she took to the air, flying around to try and find what was causing the feeling, or find a place where she no longer felt overwrought. She returned to the area where the pipe was. The grate had been knocked out. A faint light glowed in the pipe. She couldn't tell what was glowing from where she was. Warrily, she alighted in the upper branches of a large bush, so she could see what was going on. She still couldn't tell what was making the light, it was too indiscernible.

She went completely still as something growled behind her. Slowly, she turned her head to try and see what it was. Two glowing electric blue and french violet eyes stared back at her. The rest of the creature blended in perfectly with the shadows, making it impossible to tell what it was. Then, the creature lunged forward, and the world went dark.

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