Chapter 6

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TW: Swearing

"Mhhh..." Xylda groaned, groggily feeling around for her watch on the bedside table to shut off the annoying alarm. She finally got her hands on the watch, and shut off the alarm. She laid in silence for a moment, before sitting up, throwing off the covers, and standing up. She stretched with a yawn and staggered over to the bathroom that was attached to her room. She took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, dried and brushed her hair, got dressed – she always made sure to pick out an outfit the night before and leave it neatly folded on the counter –, and tied her hair back so it'd be out of the way. She then headed downstairs, going immediately to the kitchen to make herself breakfast. She hummed a random tune under her breath, mumbling quietly to herself as she worked. She fixed herself something simple, and checked the weather while eating.

She quickly checked on Μοίρα, then put on her boots and a jacket. She left the house at 5:30 am, going through the side door, and arrived at her destination at 5:40 am. Her destination was a small, enclosed shelter in a clearing. She unlocked and opened the door, peaked inside to make sure everything was in order, and left. That was all she needed to do there.

Her next task was going around the island and checking every trail camera and weather device to make sure everything was still in working order. There were 16 devices that tracked the weather down to minute details, and 15 sets of 1-3 cameras to observe the wildlife. She could check them remotely, but it was better to check them in person, and it took up more time out of her day. She usually didn't have much to do, so the more she could stretch out and busy herself with the activities she did have the better. Her day was relatively monotonous, but she liked the routine. Though, that was changing with the addition of the Dragonet she'd taken in.

She had done her research, and prepared herself as much as possible, but who knows what would happen. She felt a little bad moving the little one so far away from the city Dragonets were originally found in, but most Kymari who were interested in obtaining a Dragonet and were eligible to were looking to start working on clearing ships of Sicora and Crawlers. Μοίρα would never be allowed anywhere near a ship that needed to be cleared because of her handicaps. It was too risky. So, she needed someone who was eligible to take care of her, had a job that would allow them the extra time needed to care for her, and who wasn't looking to clear ships. That Kymari happened to be Xylda. She was eligible, had flexible hours – except for part of her job, but that was usually only a few hours every two weeks or so, so it wasn't that bad –, and she was happy with her current job. Though, she couldn't change jobs even if she wanted to. She also had experience handling animals, so that was a bonus.

Her first stop was not that far away, a trail camera near the shelter in a northwest direction. She made sure everything was in working order, and then went to the next stop. She headed northeast, up the peninsula of the island to another two trail cameras and two weather tracking devices. She then turned back around and headed west, checking another five trail cameras and four weather tracking devices. It was around 6:15am by now.

At 6:35am she had checked three more trail cameras and three weather tracking devices, and she was currently at the fourth weather tracking device. There was a soft rustling from a random bush somewhere behind her. She smirked slightly to herself as the creature in the bush approached. She put a hand down by her side, palm facing back. She felt a warm, wet nose press into her palm, before the creature moved it's head forward, pushing her hand up, along it's head. She smiled, and started petting the creature, running her hands through its silky smooth fur and scratching near the base of its large, fin-like ears.

"Hello, Verralian," she said. The creature, Verralian, exhaled loudly, leaning into her touch. The large Rih type Kahvmas came up to her chest, approximately a head shorter than her shoulder. He had a large, canine-like or feline-like body with a feline-like nose, large teeth, pawed front legs, hooved back legs, a large, circular gem on his back near his shoulders, large ears that looked like fins with fur at the base, four eyes, and a medium sized, deer-like tail with mist coming from the underside. The base color of his coat was a dark jungle green, with forest green traditional, xiketic, russian violet, and beige markings. His irises, gem, mist, and the spines of his fins were all beige. His nose, paw pads, and tongue were russian violet, while his hooves were xiketic. The webbing between the fin spines was xiketic with russian violet markings.

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