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He couldn't stop thinking about him.

And it was only a few days before he found himself going down that hallway again.

"Ryion?" He called out when he knew he was reaching the end, not wanting to startle the man.

When he reached the cell, he saw that Ryion was already sitting up, eyes on him.

"I brought you this." Adren had brought the biggest cup of water he could find. As soon as Ryion saw the cup, he started scooting over, the process slow yet steady. Adren leaned down, holding the water near the bars.

A shaking hand reached out and gripped the cup, Adren's hand not leaving it though, having a feeling that Ryion's hand wasn't strong enough to hold it on its own. Ryion put his face near the bars, not caring about the cold, and tilted the cup to his mouth.

That was the fastest Adren's ever seen anyone drink. One second there was a full glass, the next there was nothing. Ryion was panting after he finished, regaining the breath that he lost. "You don't have anymore," he paused, breathing hard, but his voice sounded a lot less scratchy than last time, "do you?"

"I don't have anymore water, but I did bring this." Adren pulled out a large chunk of bread from his pocket and handing it to him. "It's all I have."

He ate the bread quite slowly, his mouth moving slowly, but getting faster with each bite, as if he was regaining some of that energy he lost.

When that too was gone, Ryion closed his eyes and leaned his head against the bars. "Thank you." He mumbled, his eyes still closed.

Seeing that he wouldn't be moving for a while, Adren got up and left, a warm feeling filling his chest, combatting the cold of the environment. He knew he'd be back soon.

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