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Adren rushed down, trying not to spill the water, wanting to get down as fast as possible to have as much time with Ryion as possible. It had been a week since they first kissed and their time together has been even better than before.

Adren smiled when he saw him, Ryion matching that smile. He had been cleaning him about once a week, only having a few chances to bring down the large bucket of water. He had cleaned both of his arms and his legs. A few weeks ago, he had brought some clothes and allowed Ryion to change into them. It was strange seeing him in something that wasn't ripped, but Adren liked it. He asked if Ryion wanted more, but the man refused, having no reason to change more as his magic prevented anything that require him to change clothes.

Adren put down the bucket and leaned forward and gave Ryion a quick kiss before handing him his food and water.

As he was eating, Adren got out the rag and soap and started to get ready to clean. "Bathtime?" Ryion asked between bites, eyebrows raised playfully.

"Of course, you're still absolutely filthy."

Ryion laughed, something that has been increasingly common. "What are we cleaning today?"

Adren reached out, brushing a few crumbs of bread from Ryion's lip, who leaned into his touch. "I was thinking that I would try and work on your face."

"My face?"

Adren shrugged. "I've done pretty much everything else." He rubbed his thumb against his lips again. "I haven't actually seen what you look like."

Ryion smiled against his thumb. "Well then let's get started."

Adren grabbed the rag and brought it near his face, pausing right before it touched, knowing the face was more sensitive than the rest of the body Adren worked on. "Just let me know if you need me to stop." Ryion nodded and Adren started, more gentle than he had been, going slower.

As he passed the rag over his lips a few times, he couldn't help himself and leaned in, brushing his lips against the now completely clean ones. Ryion responded, although the kiss didn't last for long.

Putting down the rag after getting most of his face, deeming the man couldn't take anymore, Adren rested his face against the bars, nose right next to Ryion's, just basking in his closeness. "Can you do any magic in there?" Adren asked after a few seconds, the question had come up in his head a few times but he didn't remember it until that moment.

He was close enough that he could feel a smile form on Ryion's face. "Most of the magic I have right now is from spells that I placed on myself before I got thrown in here, but I'm strong enough that I can do small things even through the wards they put up." Adren nodded his head smally, understanding what was said. "What's your favorite color?"

Adren thought about it for a second. "Black."

"Black?" Adren moved his head back, looking at him questioning it as he said it like he couldn't believe it. "I would've never guessed, like you're the exact opposite of black and everything you wear is so light that I just didn't associate that with you. I mean-"

"I suggest you stop talking now."

Ryion looked down. "I'm sorry, I was just surprised."

"Well what's your favorite color."

"Blue." Ryion answered almost immediately.

"What kind?" Adren had been surrounded with varying shades of blue and white his entire life.

Ryion looked at him. "The same color as your eyes." Adren felt his face heat up and looked down, it wasn't an answer he was expecting. "Why do you like black?"

Adren took a few seconds to answer. "I've only really been surrounded by colors like white and blue and whatever colorful fabrics my father gets. Black is so rare and every time I see it it's so exciting and different from everything in my life."

Ryion smiled and stuck his hand out of the bars, his palm facing up. Adren looked at it questioningly until he saw something strange. He couldn't explain it, it was almost like the air was twisting in on itself and darkening until a solid object rested on his hand.

It took Adren all of a second to realize what he was looking at. A rose. Not just any rose, a black rose. Everything was the same color, the petals, the stem, the leaves. Adren was transfixed by it.

Ryion's fingers wrapped around the stem and he held it out for Adren, who slowly took it, looking at it with amazement. It felt alive. "This is incredible, thank you." He breathed, head resting on the bars again, right next to Ryion's, who looked much more tired than he did before.

They sat like that for several minutes, Adren observing the rose while Ryion observed him, unknown to the prince. "I love you."

Adren looked at the man, the rose quickly forgotten. They'd known each other for a while, but it was so unexpected and sent his heart racing. "I love you too." He replied after a few seconds.

And he did. From the bottom of his heart, he loved the criminal sitting behind the bars before him.

The Bars Between (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now