A word from the author

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Hi folks, long time no write. Well, I did write, but these days I focus a lot of energy on trad-publishing. Often, it feels like a lot of energy going down a deep, dark hole. This story is an attempt at getting a break. It's also a bit of an experiment. While I write Romance, and one of my novels has been submitted to Romance publishers, I have never tried a Regency Romance before. 

I'm a fan of Georgette Heyer; I read all her novels. C.S. Harris and her wonderful Sebastian St. Cyr Regency Mystery series is another favourite of mine. In a way it was inevitable that I would write my own Regency novel one day. 

This day is now. 

Of course, being who I am I can't write anything without at least a smidgeon of the paranormal. But otherwise, I'll give you all the tropes of a Regency Romance. A jaded Marquis, target of matchmaking society mamas, a spunky heroine trying to survive in a brutal world with wedlock being the last thing on her mind. Add to that candlelight, coaches, balls, robbery on the high roads--all the trappings of a world vanished down the dark corridors of history. Here, they'll (hopefully) come alive again. 

This sort of story obviously requires research. Since I'm not a historian, I'll do my best to get things right. If you spot any incongruities, please DO point them out. 

Here is a wonderful glossary, researched by somebody else, that might help you on your way. 


Since I'm writing more mysteries at the same time, updates will be a bit patchy. Hopefully, the ONC will keep me going. 

Thanks for reading and for being out there!

Oh, and by the way - the copyright of this story is all mine and if you read this anywhere other than on Wattpad, it has been stolen and you're in serious danger of contracting a virus on your computer. We've all had enough of viruses, don't we? 

The Outrider - A Paranormal Regency Romance ONC 2022حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن