Chapter 8

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In which our heroine and his lordship meet again

Bread, cold mutton, and hot tea had revived Corinna's flagging energy. Washed and changed in no time, she stood in the middle of her chamber with ten minutes to spare.

Where should she hide those wretched jewels?

Her drawers and chemises, neatly stowed away in a chest, were a too-obvious hiding place, ditto the mattress, which left her with the fireplace.

She crouched in front of of the mantle and examined the bricked chimney. It was too narrow for her to squeeze inside, but that wasn't necessary. From her reticule, she picked a nail and used a log to push it in.

Corinna then sprang from her crouch and fetched the chamois pouch she'd used to transport the jewels, a necklace, a brooch, and a ring.

Their original velvet box now lay beside the King's Highway, since carrying the darn thing would have been madness. Not only that, the box was much too clunky, anyway.

Her job done, she brushed off her hands. The pouch dangled inside the fireplace, out of sight from prying eyes and, while not ideal, safe for the moment. As soon as she found a chance to sneak outside, she would search for a hollow tree or a place to bury her loot.

The further they were away from her person, the better. Of course, if they were found, there would be a big hallo.

Well, she would simply have to ensure they wouldn't be found until she had devised a plan on how to hand them over.

Corinna checked her father's old timepiece. Three more minutes until Haversack's arrival, so she'd better ensure there wasn't any soot on her clothes.

The mirror in the wardrobe was fly-specked and tainted, but it valiantly reflected the image of a tall damsel in a dove-blue gown. Her cheeks were flushed instead of being fashionably pale, and her short blonde hair curled into a comely enough face.

The dress had long sleeves and a high bust, of course, but it was the lightest she'd brought and the one that best matched her coloring. For ornament she only wore a pendant with a lock of Robin's hair.

While she didn't exactly look the prim governess, she appeared respectable and competent, which gave her faith she'd clear the upcoming hurdles in her life's path.

A soft scratch sounded on the door.


"Haversack's the name, miss. I'm here to escort you to his lordship."

The butler's voice, full and booming, had an odd accent she couldn't quite place, but it didn't sound quite English, even if his diction was perfect.

When she opened the door, the butler stepped aside, causing the floorboards to creak. Somehow, the man melted into the shadows of the corridor, and the same moment she joined him in the corridor, she immediately knew why.

Haversack must hail from one of the colonies, for not only was he clad in black, as befitting a butler, but his face was as dark as the night. He also was built like a pugilist--wide shoulders, muscular arms and legs. The man's expression was inscrutable and haughty, a sure sign of an excellent butler.

One thing was for certain--he was no Frenchman.

She smiled at him. "Thank you. I'm ready." Well, she was, but her heart was still beating a fast tattoo.
"Very good, miss," Haversack said. "Let me lead the way." He creaked along the corridor and down the carpeted treads.

Corinna swallowed and raised her head high. She wouldn't let herself be cowed.


Haversack opened the library door.

The Outrider - A Paranormal Regency Romance ONC 2022Where stories live. Discover now