Chapter 4

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In which our heroine makes her choice

Either Brewster was foxed on brandy or his brain pan had taken damage during whatever warfare he once engaged in.

"You're funning."

"No, I'm not." Brewster stared into the old oak's golden filigree of leaves.

Corinna had been the first one to climb it, daring her twin brother to follow. Robin did eventually, but he slipped, fell, and broke his leg. "Hellish tomboy" had been one of the kinder words Father used.

"The Marquis of Demoral is searching for a teacher governess for his niece. He has the highest standards and wishes her to be properly educated, wants her to do more than read and write, play the pianoforte, and paint watercolors like other schoolroom misses."

Brewster swung around. "You speak French and German, don't you? And you're well traveled. And you studied with your brother's tutors."

"Good sir, did you make it a pastime exploring my background? Tell me why you go to such extremes to place a spy in the Marquis's household."

The jewels. If she accepted Brewster's outrageous proposal, she could return those wretched jewels. It had been a monstrous mistake to take them. In any case, there was nothing to fear, since she 'd been found out.

Or had she?

"Extremes? Hardly that. We're not desperate, but finding the right person for such a delicate mission isn't such an easy feat. And having found that person, I needed to ensure, eh...compliance."

"Aye, there's the rub as one says. You are telling a fine story about Gentleman Jim, my good sir, but so far you showed me no evidence."

"Oh, but if I was to spill what I know, it would cast a cloud on you. Even if your deeds remain uncovered, you'd find yourself in trouble. Given the rumors, who do you think people will believe, me or you?"

"You're bluffing."

He shook his head, walked up to the tree stump, and gave it a good kick. "You hide your loot in here. I checked the other day."

A red-hot flash shot through Corinna's body. She had been found out.

"No need to worry, lass. I haven't told anybody. Yet. Nor did I tell anybody about your exploits with Master Coolbottoms."

Corinna discovered it was entirely possible to feel both hot and cold at the same time. "What about him?" she asked, her mouth parchment-dry.

"As you very well know, he was on his way to the bank, when Gentleman Jim held him up and relieved the man of his monthly earnings. Since Coolbottoms is a brutal oaf and treats his workers worse than his cattle, I mind not his loss. The man also is royally stupid or why else does he go down a road that is known to be the hunting ground of a highwayman, eh? It isn't even the direct way to Rye. If someone acts that daft, they deserve to be robbed."

Was Brewster truly unaware of her skylles or was he playing games?

"But he went down that road."

"Aye, lass. Your good fortune, I'd say. And mine since I was waiting in the bushes to watch your performance." With a wry expression, he rubbed his back. "I'm getting too old for this."

So Brewster wasn't aware she had used her skylles. He might not even know she had them. If he'd been sitting in the shrubbery, he wouldn't have been able to watch every little detail, like the air moving around her in a way it wasn't meant to behave. Nor would he have seen her eyes.

That was the first good news in this confounded afternoon.

"Even if I believed a word you were saying, I'm still not clear on what it is you're after."

"Ah, yes. I was coming to that. Naturally, I can't give you any details. Let's say it is important that we have a...certain interest in his lordship's affairs, and we need an inside contact. Since there is a risk he would, eh...unveil those trustworthy individuals on our payroll, a different approach was required."

"In other words, he knows you're after him and has exposed your spies."

Brewster burst into laughter so hard, his face turned an alarming shade of puce. With one hand, he pulled a huge handkerchief from his pockets and mopped his glistening forehead. The other hand remained in the pocket, no doubt gripping the barker he no doubt conceiled there.

"It's a crying shame you're a mere female, Miss Wolverstoke. You are more needle-witted than any person of my acquaintance and that includes my employer. And your silver tongue will stand you in good stead."

Corinna sketched a quick bow. "I'm glad to receive your approval, though you haven't mine, for sure. It so happens, however, that your proposal needs with a need of mine."

He coughed and shoved the handkerchief into his pockets. "Is that so? How fortunate."

"Isn't it just?" She placed the pistols on the ground and ambled up to Brewster. As expected, he relaxed his stance and removed both hands, which he then waggled in front of her face.

"See, there's nothing for you to fear about. I'm glad we are agreed."

Corinna forced a smile onto her lips. "Do we? I haven't said yes. Nor have I named my conditions?"

Brewster grinned. "You can name them. You won't find me unreasonable. But the fact is, Miss Wolverstoke, you are well and truly nabbed."

Oh no, she wasn't totally out at sea. It was true; she couldn't direct his mind, nor could she make him forget what he had learned. But she could and would ensure that she would be as safe as possible, given the circumstances.

Fast as a viper striking, she extended her hand and grabbed his pudgy appendage.

"What the deuce." He pulled with all his might, but all this riding and carrying pistols had hardened the soft flesh of her arms.

Corinna caught Brewster's gaze and held it. "Swear to me on your life that you'll never betray me. And you shall pay me for my troubles. Enough to keep my mother safe."

She sent out her consciousness into the man's struggling form, right where the heart was. Being so close and holding on to him meant there was no need to disturb the air.

Nor would he notice anything untoward in her gaze.

His twitching and jerking eased. A peaceful expression came over his face.

"I swear by my life I shan't betray you, and we will make sure your mother can live in comfort."

She couldn't ask for more.

1088 words. Image by Roywheeler from Pixabay.

This chapter is dedicated to Nacht_Owl. Thank you very much for reading and your great comments! 

The Outrider - A Paranormal Regency Romance ONC 2022Where stories live. Discover now