CH 15

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Camilla's POV

I wake up feeling better than yesterday. The last thing I remember was being picked up and feeling the softness of my bed. I also remember the intoxicating scent that calmed me and the touch that relaxed me. I also have not slept this good before.

I yawn and stretch, only to feel a warm, heavy thing on my waist. I open my eyes and see an arm, I look to my left and see Matteo sleeping.

My eyes widen.

Matteo?! On my bed?!

I look down and thankfully, I'm still clothed in my yesterday's clothes. But why is he on my bed? Cuddling?

I close my eyes and sigh. Now is not the time, I need to get ready for the day.

I gently lift his arm up, only for him to pull me closer. I sigh.

"Cami, we're not in heat anymore!" Cara barks happily

I lift my arm and don't see red, heated skin, it also isn't hot anymore.

"Matteo came to our aid." Cara says happily

Well that explains it.

I smile slightly, but then I feel a little bit sad. What if after this, he goes back to not noticing me? What if he goes back to denying me as his mate? He probably only did this because Mason took control. And soon, a full wave of sadness wash over me.

I sigh. I slip out of his secure hold and walk to my bathroom. I freshen up and get ready. Just as I enter back into my room, Matteo jolts up and looks around. His frantic eyes then lands on me and he relaxes. He gets off the bed and with four long strides to me, he pulls me into an embrace, inhaling my scent.


"Camilla." His raspy morning voice whispers in my ear

I shiver a little as I feel his warm breath. He backs up and looks at me.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" I ask

"For taking this long to realize you're my true mate. I'm sorry that it took you in heat to make me believe you're truly mine."

I shiver in delight as I hear him say those words. Mine.

"I don't blame you. What happened to you 5 years ago was unfortunate and it made you hard to trust people." I say softly

"I want to make it up to you, Camilla. Starting today, I'll be a better mate to you." Matteo says, holding my hands and giving them a squeeze

I smile softly at Matteo and nod. He smiles slightly and pulls me into another embrace.

"Matteo, how's— Oh."

We pull apart and see a grinning couple and a smirking Kyle.

I sigh as I brace myself for the teasing that I'm about to receive.

"Oh, don't let us stop you. We were just checking in." Gina says smirking

"We weren't doing anything." I roll my eyes

I open the curtains and make my bed.

"Come on, let's go have breakfast." I say

They all nod and together, we go down to the dining area. Upon entering, Kaitlyn lits up as she sees Matteo is with us and right behind me. We all sit at our own seats and began eating breakfast.

"It's a surprise to see this morning for breakfast, sweetie." Kaitlyn says, her eyes looking from me to her son

Matteo hums a response and nods as he eats while I mouthed "I'll tell you later." to Kaitlyn. She grins and nods. After breakfast, they all leave to do their own duties, which leaves me and Matteo. As I stand to leave, Matteo grabs my hand and pulls me towards him, resulting to me letting out a gasp and landing on his lap.


His eyes observe every inch of my face and then they land on my lips, he looks back up to my eyes. "You have a very beautiful face, mate." He says lowly

My face heats up at the compliment from my mate. He gently grabs my face and caresses my cheeks, and then he pulls me in and kisses me.

It was something new, something I didn't expect from him. It was slow and passionate. His other hand that rests on my thighs, moves up and down my thigh as our kiss turns heated. His hand goes under the dress that I'm wearing and fidgets on the hem of my underwear, and then we break apart for air.

Heavy tension of two aroused mates was clear in the room. I clear my throat and get off his lap, I immediately miss his warmth.

"I can't believe we just made out." I tell Cara

"Well believe it, sister! He's a great kisser too." Cara purrs

Matteo stands and turns me to face him, he looks at me with gentle eyes.

"I have to go now to do some work, but I'll be back later at night, okay? We'll talk about things that should've happen when I should've brought you here."

I smile and nod. He kisses my forehead and then leaves. I look at his retreating back and smile, he really acknowledges me now.

"He accepts us!" Cara yaps in my mind, jumping around

I chuckle.

"Tell me everything, darling."

I whip around and see Kaitlyn beaming with delight. I chuckle as I go to her. With arms linked, we walk out to the gardens and settle down on the bench.

I start telling Kaitlyn about yesterday when I suddenly went in heat to this morning when I woke up to Matteo beside me.

Kaitlyn squeals and laughs. I've never seen her this happy before that it automatically brought a grin to my face.

"This is great!" Kaitlyn says happily

"We're going to talk tonight about things." I tell her

She nods. "Probably about finally announcing you as Luna and the Luna ceremony." She says in thought

She turns back to me and grins. "My Matteo is finally slowly coming back! Thank you, dear." She says

I nod with a smile and she pulls me into a hug. We leave the garden and part ways once we're inside the mansion. I go back out and walk around the grounds, observing my future pack. I go to the pack house to visit Haley. Going in, I bump into a she-wolf.

"Watch where you're going, klutz." She curses

I look up and see a blond haired, tan-skinned, petite she-wolf glaring at me.

"Sorry, I didn't see you."

"Obviously." She rolls her eyes and walks away

Attitude much?

"That's Aspen."

I turn and see my best friend looking at the retreating she-wolf with distaste.


"The pack's most obnoxious, self-centered, brat-whore. Some she-wolves told me she slept with half the male population in this pack."

She shudders in disgust then turns to me.

"What brings you by?" She asks

I grin, I drag her to the living area and tell my best friend everything that happened.

~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~

Hello everyone!

First off, I'm so sorry for not updating last two Saturdays. I was catching up on my mountain load of assessments to finish. I still have some more but it's less now, my midterms are also coming up so instead of 10 chapters every Saturday, I'll upload 5 chapters every chance I get, meaning, I might update 5 new chapters on a weekday or weekend, it depends on my schedule and when I have free time.

Second off, I'm so grateful and surprised that this book has placed #3 for #lunaqueen!! thank you guys so much for giving this book a chance. I'll continue to do my best in writing this book.

With that all said, thank you once again and see you at the next chapters!

x 🦁

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