Left behind - W.M.

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During the Civil War between the team, Tony made sure that you didn't know about it. He wanted to protect you - his daughter - from the dispute. Especially because Wanda was involved in it and he knew how close you and Wanda were. But you eventually found out about it. And you were upset with both Wanda and your father.

You were angry at Tony for trying to keep you sheltered from everything and for trying to treat you like a child, and you were angry at Wanda for leaving. When you heard that Wanda's team had escaped from their prison you knew that steve was behind it.

Knowing that he was back in the field, you waited for him to return with wanda to you. To apologize or something. But they never did. Though you tried to hide your heartache, Tony could see right through your facade and suggested that you move back into the compound.

Tony did everything he could to heal your heart. As your father, he hated seeing you like this. So, he tried to get rid of Sokovian Accords. That was the thing that caused everything to go to shit and the reason that Wanda is now a 'criminal'. Which is why she hasn't returned.

Now, the Sokovian Accords no longer exist - with the help of a fellow, royal friend - which means that the team could come back to the compound. Tony didn't tell you this because he thought it would be a nice surprise. He thought it would make you feel better when you saw Nat again and thought that your heart would heal at the sight of Wanda.

He was wrong.

The moment you saw Wanda standing in the common room, the blood in your veins ran cold for a second before boiling with anger. Glaring at her for a second, you turn sharply on your heels and walk straight out the room. "Give her some time. She just needs to get used to you being around again," Nat advised, giving Wanda a comforting pat on her shoulder.

And she followed that advice for days. For weeks. But she got nothing out of you. If you walked into a room where she happened to be, you would glance at her for a second before turning around, ignoring her completely and getting what you came for before leaving. And if you stayed in the room, you would only speak to those around her but never to her. You gave her the cold shoulder for weeks.

Tony, of course, noticed your actions around Wanda and how they have been going on for long enough. So, like the father he is, he pulled you aside one day to slap some sense into you.

"You've gotta speak to her, (Y/n)," he orders, looming over the table between you and him. You sit with your arms folded over your chest and a pout on your lips, rolling your eyes at him like a child. "Stop acting like a child, get your ass out there and speak to her," he demands, pointing his finger sternly at you.

You sigh, lowering your eyes to the table as your arms unfold. "I just... I don't know what to say to her, dad," you confess, slowly looking up at him as you bit into your lower lip. "Every time I see her, I just get so emotional and I..."

Trailing off, you sigh out in frustration, running your hands through your hair and you shake your head. Tony walks around the table to stand beside you, placing a comforting arm over your shoulder. "I know she hurt you. But trust me, she wants to make things right," he states, gently kissing the side of your temple as you look up at him. "She's just a bit scared that you might kill her if she makes the first move or that you never talk to her again."

Chuckling at his words, you glance back down at your hands before giving a small nod. "I'll talk to her. Promise," you mutter, leaning against his chest as he gives you a small hug.

The rest of the day, you run through what you wanted to say in your mind probably about a hundred times. You didn't set out to find her, waiting until you eventually bump into her gave you more time to think of what you wanted to say.

As you walk through the halls of the compound, you're roughly pulled aside and into an unoccupied room. "Okay, I'm getting tired of you giving me the cold shoulder," Wanda states, closing the door behind her as she turns towards you. "I let it slide for the first few days but now it's getting a bit irritating."

"Excuse me?" you hiss, placing your hands on your hips as you glare at her under the dim lights of the room. "I wasn't the one that just left without a word, Wanda," you mention, taking a step towards her as you fold your arms over your chest. "You didn't explain to me once what was going on and you never even bothered to tell me."

Taking in a sharp breath through her nose, Wanda clenches her hands in fists by her side. "I thought Tony would have filled you in on everything," she says, earning a roll of your eyes a scoff falling from your lips. "You don't think I tried to see you? To try and explain things from my side?"

You glance up at her and your face falls slightly. "What stopped you?" you question, tilting your head to the side as your arms fall to your side.

Wanda takes a hesitant step towards you, waiting for you to move back from her when she does. But you don't, which encourages her to carry on. "The fact that the place was guarded and there wouldn't have been a way for me to get in without being caught," she explains, glancing down when she reaches you, staring into your eyes. "I would have called, but I know they would monitor any incoming calls."

You roll your eyes. Of course, the government would do something like that because they knew about your relationship with Wanda and thought that it would be a great way to catch her. By keeping a close eye on you. "You knew they were watching me," you state, glancing up at her as she nods her head. ''Actually, Steve knew. He stopped me from calling because he knew the government would track us and you.''

She slowly raises her hands to cup the sides of your face. "I never meant to break your heart, you know that," she whispers, stroking the top of your cheek with her thumb. "I should have tried some other way to see you..."

"No. None of this is your fault," you interrupt her, placing your hands on her neck as you take a step closer to her. "I was just frustrated that my father was treating me like a child and I was too stubborn to think that I might have been watched by the government," you state with a small laugh, glancing up at her. "I should have spoken to you sooner. I shouldn't have given you the cold shoulder for so long. I'm sorry."

Wanda smiles down at you. "You're just as stubborn as Tony," she chuckles, pressing her forehead against yours. "I missed that. I missed you so much," she whispers, her lips grazing over yours.

"I missed you too," you whisper back, placing a hand on the side of her face. Your fingers touch the new scar making you pull back in shock. You hadn't really taken note of the scar and now is the first time you're actually aware of it. "I thought you said you didn't get hurt?" you whisper, tracing her jawline as you brush over the scar with your fingertips. She only shrugs her shoulders before leaning down, closing the gap between you. As she kisses you, you smile at the feeling of having her back in your arms.

"I missed you." she says after pulling away, wrapping her arms around your waist.

You giggle at her as you bite your lower lip. "I missed you too," you state, wrapping your arms around her waist as she smiles brightly at you.


A/N - Im finally back. Sorry, took a while.

Im gonna try and be more active again. As always, leave your requests in the comments or send me a message!

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