Chapter 8: A coze with the Sea

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"Really?! Merpeople do not have razor sharp teeth?" the princess gasped, practically plastered to his side.

He nodded, trying to find the words, or atleast signal how preposterous that whole idea was.

"And how do you know all this again?" she asked again, a question Percy realised had become quite hard to avoid.

He settled for the explanation that his friend was a merman, whom he spent a lot of time with. The princess seemed to have bought that explanation, for the time being at-least.

She moved closer to him, her shoulder grazing his, furiously writing down what he was saying. They realised that Percy could simply draw what he wanted to explain as well, which seemed to work for the most part. However, being a creature who lived underwater didn't serve his art skills well. He was not particularly gifted at the drawing.

A long beat of silence passed between them as Annabeth studied him, her eyes steadily on him as his heartbeat increased.

"Looks like your wound is healing properly," she said, her fingers splaying on his face, tilting his head up. He was drawn to her eyes,  he always was, those as beautiful as a storm and as dangerous as one too.

He found himself leaning into her touch, she didn't make move her hand either, instead caressing his bruise carefully with her thumb, running a circular motion over it.

The world silenced around him and all he could near was the waves of the ocean, splashing against land as the princess took a step closer to him. He could feel her warmth.

"You know....I was thinking," she began, her voice a quiet echo. Immediately, there was a clang and the princess jumped apart from him, circling towards it.

"I'm...I'm quite sorry, princess," a young servant boy curtsied, holding a tray with trembling hands, "The Queen requires your presence."

"It's...quite alright," Annabeth said, shifting away from the prince,"Inform my aunt that I shall be there immediately."

The boy nodded, scrambling away in a hurry as the princess turned to face him, her face red.

"I suppose I must be going aunt rarely summons me," she explained before she left, leaving Percy all alone in her chambers.

It took him a while to calm down. To get the thundering roar of the ocean out of his ears.
It was always the case around her, he noted. She had the auro of the ocean.

The prince of the seven seas thought it a good idea to take a walk. He had been sequestered in these chambers all day, the princess busy with her lessons until a few hours ago.

Nightfall was about to arrive soon. And he watched the dazzling orange sky as he made his way down to the beach.

The ocean welcomed him, it's waves beckoning him into his embrace. Percy almost found himself drawn towards it, his feet dangerously close to the water.

The Merman and the Princess  •A Percabeth AU•Where stories live. Discover now