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I don't even care
Run my hands through your hair
You wanna run your fingers through mine
- Wait a minute, Willow Smith

After a well deserved, delicious breakfast, Quinn and Ellie went upstairs to Quinn's room. Their parents were home that day and while Ellie knew that her own dad would not even notice it if they kissed right next to him once he was in his mental 'working-zone', she was not so sure about either of Quinn's parents.

For the first few hours after returning, nobody needed to worry though: Quinn and Ellie were so tired from the night before and getting up early that they fell asleep right on the bed. Ellie was using Quinn's legs as a pillow for her head while Quinn was lying on her stomach, her head buried under her pillow to keep the light out. Peaceful silence filled the room as they made up for the very short night.

Afterwards, they both felt very much refreshed and spent the day talking and scrolling through their phones.

"Hey," Quinn said and moved her leg gently — neither of them had moved in the last hours, except that now, Quinn was propped up on her elbows and her head was above the pillow.


"Do you want to come with me to the restaurant tonight? It'll be fun, I promise."

Ellie thought about it. She was not at all opposed to helping out at the restaurant and it would also give her a chance to spend even more time with Quinn. Of course, they would not be able to kiss at the restaurant or behave in any way that would suggest they were more than friends. But it would definitely give Ellie the chance to see the 'working'-side of Quinn. Only...

"Do you think Fiona and her parents will be okay with that?"

"I think so," Quinn nodded, "if you'd like, I can ask them beforehand but they generally don't mind. Extra help is always appreciated."

"Extra help?" Ellie echoed, "I thought I was just going to sit around and let you do all the work."

Quinn laughed and moved her legs a little as a 'punishment' for Ellie's remark.

"As long as you don't try to order something from me," she turned to Ellie, "but seriously, I think they're really going to appreciate the extra help. That would give Fiona's mom the opportunity to finally teach Fiona more about cooking and not only about waiting tables. Because the restaurant is so busy, they need her as a server most of the time and don't have time for teaching her to cook."

"I'm sure she's still a better cook than you and me," Ellie assumed with a smile.

"Oh, you bet she is!" Quinn nodded, "Her cooking skills are amazing! I think if she were to decide not to study medicine, she'd be an awesome chef."

"Speaking of that: what would you like to do once you're out of here?"

"I don't really know," Quinn shrugged, "you've once asked me if I wanted to do Work and Travel-..."

"I did?"

"Yeah; and that is definitely an option for me. I just want to see the world a bit and then I'm going to decide what to do with the rest of my life. Maybe I'm going to try with photography. And you?"

"Once I'm back, I'm going to go to college and study English Literature and they we'll see where life leads me."

"Oh, did you already decide on a college?"

Ellie shook her head.

"I've applied to tons," she explained, "but the answers aren't there yet. My dream would be the one in Jacksonville but if I don't get accepted into that one, I'll just choose one nearby that I like."

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