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With simple songs, I wanted more
Perfection is so quick to bore
You are my beautiful, by far
Our flaws are who we really are
- I hear a symphony, Cody Fry

"We really need to go out and get groceries," Quinn said. She was sitting on the big armchair in her room, petting Pasta who was curled up in her lap. Ellie, who had been checking her e-mails while sitting on Quinn's bed, looked up.

"Right now?"

Quinn laughed.

"That's what I was thinking, yes — unless you have something better to do."

"No, I'll come with you," Ellie closed her laptop and put it to the side, "if I stare at my inbox for any longer, I'll go insane."

"Great!" Quinn gently put Pasta down and then practically leapt out of the chair to look out of the window, "We should hurry up, though. The supermarket closes at six and it's already getting dark."

They had been skiing the whole morning — and Ellie had managed to fall only two times — and while their parents were enjoying some kind of TV-show downstairs, they spent the remaining time of the day in Quinn's room, either talking or just doing their individual thing in silence, which was also very nice. With Quinn, Ellie did not feel like she had to talk all the time. The silences in between were comfortable silences and it did not get awkward when they both read or were on their phones. Most of the time, it actually gave them more things to talk about and as comfortable as they were, the silences never lasted for very long.

"Should we take Pasta with us?" Ellie asked as she and Quinn were getting ready downstairs. Quinn shook her head.

"No, he can stay here. He's not allowed in the supermarket and I don't want him to have to wait outside," she pet the small dogs head who gave a grateful little huff, "when we're back, we can take him outside for his evening walk."

She put on a beanie and gave Ellie a second one before gently pushing Pasta towards the living room. Once she was sure he would not follow them, she opened the door and held it open for Ellie. Even though the days were getting slightly warmer now that it was March, it still got quite cold once the sun was gone and Ellie tightened her scarf as she walked beside Quinn towards the main road.

After that one visit right on her first walk through the village, Ellie had not entered the supermarket, she realized. Most of the time, it were the adults who went out to buy groceries and once or twice Quinn had done it but neither of them had ever taken Ellie with them.

New, the two girls entered the supermarket with one of the metal carts and were greeted by the same woman that had given Ellie the plastic bags for Mister Saunders.

"Okay, what do we need?" Ellie asked while she steered the cart through the maze of shelves.

"Cereal and milk," Quinn read aloud from the grocery list in her phone, "then maybe some fruits and vegetables. And some chicken for tonight's dinner."

"Alright," Ellie pointed towards the aisle with fresh fruits and vegetables, "here we have the fruits - I'll go get those."


Ellie picked out some bell peppers, corn and some other things while Quinn went to get some of the other things. When Ellie found her again, she was standing on the back of the shopping cart, slowly scooting past the shelves. Since the cart was still very empty, Quinn had to lean forward so that it would not fall over backwards. It looked hilarious, the way she bent her body around the handle, her butt sticking out.

"What are you doing?" Ellie giggled.

"I'm too lazy to walk."

"And that's more efficient? It looks pretty exhausting to me."

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