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Jay's POV

Nini's note: This is Jay's POV for the previous chapter to understand what really happened.

I've been thinking so long if I should call Jungwon and ask him how he has been but immediately decided not to do so to respect the space he asked. I placed down my phone when I heard someone knocking but before I could even reach the door, the door already opened revealing the person outside.

"What brings you here, Haeyun?" I asked, raising my brow because I clearly told her that we'll meet tomorrow to investigate, not today specifically tonight.

"Hmm, nothing" She said.

"Then leave now" I said, avoiding to sound rude.

She didn't say anything and sat on one of our sofas. "Jungwon talked to me last time"

I glanced at her. "For what?"

"He asked me to take care of you so I'm here" She said, smiling. "I know you're also hurting inside, Jay"

"I'm not. He just asked for space" I said.

"Then why do I always see him with that Daniel kid?" She added.

I also saw them. Daniel sometimes visits Jungwon in their dorm. "Maybe it's for the university. It's not my business anymore"

"Whatever you say. There are people who fell out of love and maybe Jungwon will while you're away" She said.

I slammed the table near me with my hand and stood up to go to my room. I can feel her following me from behind but I just ignored it and walked straight to my own fridge here to open a canned beer.

"Are you seriously going to drink right now?" Haeyun asked, leaning against the door frame watching me drink.

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