Chapter 31: Flowers And Visits

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The first snow have already fallen during the time I was unconscious. Right now the temperature has gotten colder and they have brought more thick blankets for me to use.

Sara has been promoted to be my personal maid and not a temporary one. She was only supposed to assist me for a month and a half.

Although I can't say that it is a good promotion for her since soon I will no longer be part of the Redmond household.

"Sara, would you mind giving me that teddy bear," I said to Sara who is changing the flowers in my room.

I have been receiving a bouquet of flowers every day, winter roses from Lianne, viola flowers from Rian and there is a bouquet of Blue-violet flowers. No one knows where these flowers come from but, no matter how many times they tried to get rid of them, they repeatedly appeared. Therefore I ask Sara to just display the flowers.

It's been a week since I woke up from suffering from a high fever. It was... a crazy weird week. I felt like I have become a different person during that time.

There was this excessive energy surging through my whole body, that I did not know existed. In addition to that, my body can easily mend simple wounds, cuts, or bruises that I get.

I found out about it during the time I manage to get a paper cut. Before I can even comprehend what was happening, the minor cut rapidly healed leaving no scars behind.

I also have been trying to practice regulating my mana using all the books I have as a guide for the training. Although they are all just making me do some yoga exercises, deep breathing, and all things to make one have a peaceful mind and body?

"Here you go my lady," Sara spoke as she hands me the teddy bear.

There is one thing that I have also been keeping a secret from Sara or anyone. This teddy bear, Narla, has been giving me candy every time I have either a nightmare or every time I was... crying. There are times when memories of him, flash through my mind at random intervals. But the candies have been helping me get through most of it.

In fact, I think... I am slowly forgetting the memories that I have experienced for that bad ending ever since I started eating this candy. Or at the very least, it is keeping the memories from resurfacing often.

"My lady?" A knock on the door made me jump in surprise when I was trying to hug Narla.

"Sara, would you mind?" I ask her as I surround myself with the blanket.

I have already recovered a long time, but I have always stayed in my bed whenever I accept a visitor. The reason behind this is Lianne. Whenever she visits me, she keeps on insisting on me to rest.

Thus, it became a habit for me to stay in bed whenever someone will visit.

"My lady, Mr. butler is here to see you," Sara announces making me turn to her.

"Let him in," I respond as I hug Narla.

Sara opens the door wide enough to allow Mr. Thoma in.

"Greetings, my lady. The young master orders me to escort you to the living room," Mr. Thoma greeted as he lowers his head to me.

It has been a while since I last saw Mr. Thoma, mainly because he was busy managing the house. Though I barely remember the night that the Duke has caught me, I can't still overlook how he did not do anything to help me.

I know he can't do anything because he is still working under him. But... It just pains me to act close to him after what happened to Sara.

"Is there something going on? Why would brother ask me to be there?" I respond as calmly as I can, despite the way my heart is pounding in my chest.

"An important guest has arrived, and the young master wants you to meet him," he explains.

An important guest? Who could it be?

No... that is not important, why would I need to be there to greet him? I can still remember that I am not allowed to actually leave my room without any permission. Yet, I have managed to leave the safety of my room with my brother's and Lianne's permission. The servants and even the royal knights assigned as my escorts are keeping it a secret to the Duke.

It is a good thing that the Duke is always elsewhere every morning until before the sunset.

"Sara, would you mind helping me dress up?" I ask Sara as I stand up from my bed before placing Narla down.

"Of course, my lady," she answers as she starts picking a new dress for me to wear.

Since I am always inside this room, I often wear comfy clothes but warm enough for this cold winter temperature.


"Did you know? They are doing a lot of things behind your back," A silky voice whispers as she trails her hands on his neck.

"...what do you mean?" he asks as he tries to stop himself from shivering.

"They are violating your rules... slowly falling victim to the monster once again," she whispers before placing a kiss on the back of his neck.

He felt himself shiver as he tries to restrain his hand to himself. If he even tried to touch her, she would instantly disappear... after all, she doesn't like being touched so easily. Only when she allows him, that is when he can fully touch her.

"The monster..." he trails off as images start flashing in his mind.

He can feel himself wavering... His body feels like he is slowly falling down in a deep pool of water. Thick enough to stop himself from surfacing, and this woman in who is directly staring at him in the eyes... is the one who is plunging him to drown.

"Yes, that monster, who took your wife's life. You must punish her for her crimes," she whispers as her face inch closer to him.

"I will punish her... That vile creature," he answers with hatred dripping in his voice.

A seed that was hidden deep inside him is slowly blooming... and will soon corrupt him completely from within.

"It's only a matter of time before you completely crumble in my hands. My poor puppet..." the woman with lavender eyes said as her mana completely surround the man is kneeling in front of her.

With his silver-grey eyes vacantly staring at her, his mind is busy imagining the things he wants to do to her... that he did not overhear what she had just spoken.

"How long will you keep me waiting?" he spoke with such a pleading voice as his hand is itching to touch her.

The feeling of disgust creep all over her but she restrained a smile on her lips. She unbinds the rope she tied his hands with before the man in front of him outstretches his hand to pull her close.

He hastily places kisses on her neck before claiming her rosy lips. He pushes the woman to the carpeted floor beneath them before his left-hand starts roaming under her skirt.

"Easy there tiger... Before I allow you to go all the way, what about your payment?" she spoke after breaking his intense kiss.

"Ha... I have already placed it inside your bag. I still can't comprehend why you require something like this," he mumbles as he gradually lifts the hem of her dress.

"You don't need to understand why..." she mumbles as she eyes her bag.

With just one glance she quickly confirms the item she requested from him... a vial filled with an unknown dark red liquid.

"Can we continue now?" the man asks as he nibbles her right ear.

A smirk made its way on her red lips as she observes the way the man above her eyes her with such desire. She can easily feel her mana growing.

"As you wish my dear Duke~!" 

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