Chapter 86 : Longing

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Yet despite my inner protest I still followed Auntie as we enter her bed chamber. I quietly took over her bed as I lay down on my stomach ignoring her startled looks.

"Errissa! If you want to lay down, lay down properly! Your dress will get wrinkles on them!" she exclaimed with a glare as she offers her hand to help me stand up.

Instead of accepting her hand, I merely gave her a pout before making myself more comfortable with my position. She stares at me for a few seconds before letting out a sigh as she walks away shaking her head. She sat down on the chair near her bed as the sound of the fire crackling echoed in the room.

"Can I ask you a question, Auntie?" I spoke breaking the silence as I shift my gaze to the flames of the fire.

"What is it?" she responds as she made herself comfortable on the chair she is sitting in.

"Why did you save her?" I ask with a hint of bitterness in my tone.

"My reason is simple really... it's because she is my sister," she stated as if that is the most obvious answer to my question.

I raise my eyebrow at her answer as I shift my gaze to her.

What kind of answer is that?

"That's it? Because she is your sister?? That's why you save that woman??"


I scoff at her answer as I sit up from my position and fully turn my attention to her.

"Why? It cannot be the only reason! There must be something else! Or else why would you risk your life to wake that person from her slumber?! I DON'T UNDERSTAND!"

She stared at me briefly before a bitter smile appeared on her lips.

"I wish I could say I have some hidden agenda for helping her, but I don't. Emilia is my sister. I am the only one she has left. Both our parents are gone, no one else would help her if it weren't for me."

"Then don't. Don't help her at all! We are better off without her!"

She only let out a weary sigh before shifting her attention to her hands.

"Errissa... if Lianne found herself in a troublesome situation where you know that you are the only one who can help her. Would you turn your back on her?"

I pause as I repeat her question inside my head.

Would I turn my back on her? That is funny since I have seen Lianne get herself in troublesome situations a dozen times. And there are times when I was the one who place her in that situation. And I never did anything to help her, since I know there will be people to help her no matter what.

"Of course... I--," I falter as I glance away from her peering gaze.

If it was me from before then I would definitely abandon her. But... things between us are not the same as before. We have cleared all those misunderstandings that were caused by our dear father. And I know that some part of her actions toward me was caused by that woman. Still... Would I abandon her if she got caught in a grim situation?

"No. I would say yes before but now... I value her too much to lose her," I answer honestly as I nibble my lower lip. I can recognize the way her lips quirk into a faint smile as she stares at me warmly.

I indeed hated Lianne for all the experiences I had because of her. But I also know... that it was our father who manipulated us back on our first life. He was the one who push us against one another when we just want to gain each others' attention.

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