Chapter 97 : Plan And Memories

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"Such a long day..." I mumble as I plop down on the bed. The room that they have given me is considerably larger than the room I occupy in the Alinac kingdom. With this much space, I could play hide and seek with Sara. But I am quite exhausted right now.

Right after we enter the palace... I was hauled into a long discussion with the Queen about Lael's childhood. While Lael went on a separate walk with the King. The Queen was so welcoming as she leads me to her favorite spot in the garden where we talk until a maid informed us that dinner is ready.

I wouldn't even notice the sun setting if it weren't for them calling us for dinner.

And don't even make me start about what happened at dinner! They start narrating to me stories of how I met Lael and how I save him from bleeding out in a dark alleyway... which is true.

But they continue to make the story much more dramatic than what actually happened. I pity Lael who has turned into a burning tomato by how red his face has become. His sisters continue to tease him throughout the night. Well, it's his fault for telling them that story without getting embarrassed in the first place.

And yes, sisters. Overall, Lael has two older sisters... Princess Charine, who married Duke Rover, and Princess Hailyn, who married Marquess Fortune. There is also his older brother, who was the previous Crown Prince until Lael came and took over his position... Prince Gabriel. Prince Gabriel is currently wed to Princess Sabille that came from the Marriot kingdom. Though unlike what everyone thought would happen, there is no bad blood between them. Above all since Lael is their beloved little brother.

I heard from the maids, how well-loved Lael is by his siblings. And Prince Gabriel actually only accepted the crown prince position because Lael, run away from his home during his rebellious phase.

Yes! He was in his rebellious phase during the time I met him in the alleyway. It was unexpected, right? But believe me or not... Lael was wayyy different back when we initially met. He only starts changing the more time we spend together. Although now that I think of it... it was likely around the time when he found out how I was being treated by my father at the Duchy that he starts taking everything more seriously.

He tried to assassinate the Duke back then but ended up failing because the previous head of the Tower protected him. Oh right... Lael was the one who assassinated him which is why Aiden became the head of the Tower.

But it was actually so fun watching him get teased by his parents and siblings. I wouldn't even notice the sun setting if it weren't for them calling us for dinner. It was really unexpected...

This is the first time in a long while that I have got to experience eating dinner in such a warm atmosphere. The last time I felt like this was during my life in the modern world before I got dragged back down into this nightmare. Just thinking about it is causing me to feel frustrated because I don't know how I can go back to that place. I miss my parents in that world...

Moreover, I never thought that they will be so welcoming like this to someone they just met. In all my lives I have lived, this is the first time I have met them. And yet they differ from how I have expected them to act. Though I should have known better because of Lael's personality. He is a warm person whenever he is with me.

Speaking of Lael, what should I do? Should I continue to tease him and act like I don't recall him or should I confess to him the truth? But teasing him is just too tempting... all his reactions are too cute.

"My lady... What should I inform His Highness? He will surely inquire about what happened to you. Should I tell him the truth?" Sara's voice flicks me out of my thoughts as I shift my attention to her.

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