𝒗𝒊𝒊. middle of the night

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CHAPTER SEVEN, middle of the night

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middle of the night.

━━━━ DURING the night averie couldn't sleep. her mind wondered off to Rue on what the living hell she was doing, she wasn't worried about her dad because she told him that she was going to sleep over at Lexi's house. but averie alvarez was overthinking.

so she stood up from the bed, she glanced down at her body that was hugged with a large shirt of fezco that he let her borrow. she was in the living room sleeping on the couch with Faye who was on the other couch.

she yawned rubbing her eyes softly walking over to the kitchen going to the first cabinet that she saw. her eyes scanned lazily across the cabinet before she grabbed a can of spaghetti o's that were sitting there, choosing to ignore the fact that there was about 10 more inside there.

she felt a huge sense of deja vu as she went to grab one of the bowls. she knows she has been here before, she finds it weird that she already knows where everything is. those memories are far in too deep.

she poured them inside of the bowl going to throw the can inside of the trash can and then going back to the microwave putting it for a few minutes. she went to grab a fork and sat on the counter hearing the microwave go off, taking out the bowl and placing it on the lap. with her eyes closed she started to eat slowly.

before she felt someone's presence in front of her. "now what the fuck do you think your doing?" it was ashtray. Averie groaned mentally opening up her eyes noticing that he had a knife pointing to towards her. only now she realizes how the kitchen was dark and the only light available was from outside.

"uh," she looked around trying to find an excuse before looking back at ashtray. "eating."

"those are my spaghetti o's, no one touches my spaghetti o's." ashtray snapped taking the bowl away from averie who jumped off the counter glaring at ashtray.

"you have a whole stack!" Averie said putting her hand on the bowl tugging it away from ashtray who glared back at her.

"it's one less! give me my fucking spaghetti o's back." Ashtray said tugging it towards him.

"oh so you want me to puke out the ones I ate?" Averie stopped making ashtray stop as well as he thought about it making Averie grimace, "ashtray, ew! no!"

the two kept on tugging on the bowl back and forth throwing each other insults before fezco turned on the light of the kitchen scaring Averie who let go of the bowl causing it to go to ashtray.

she slapped a hand over her mouth to prevent a laugh to come out as she watch him get covered with food all over him, the bowl still in his hands. "the fuck is going on here?" Fezco asked tiredly as he glancing between his brother and Averie who let out a laugh escape.

they both pointed at each other, him glaring at her and her smiling and laughing at him. "he started it by taking the bowl away from me."

"she wasn't suppose to touch my food."

Fezco squinted his eyes not knowing what was going on before shaking his head. "I'm going back to sleep, fuck y'all."

"this wouldn't have happened if you never took the stupid bowl away from me." Averie said taking the bowl away from the boy who stood there watching her out the bowl away.

"at least it wasn't me this time," Averie said washing her hands earning a confuse look from ashtray. "remember last time?" Averie asked as one single memory came back to her mind at the sense of this event.

"you spilled the water all over me." Averie said drying her hands but not before she sprinkled some on ashtray who swat it away, but it was water.

"yeah, you didn't talk to me for five minutes." Ashtray said letting out a chuckle along with Averie who nodded her head softly not saying a word or smiling.

"go change or whatever," Averie said snapping out of the little moment walking away from him. "I'm going to sleep.

"yeah, okay."


AVERIE WAS NEVER in class. she would usually be there for half the day and then roam around the halls for the rest of the day or she'll just skip.

but the one time she did stay all day at school, she was fast asleep in the principals office. she first went to sleep in her class and then she was called to the office and she stayed there until they called her dad.

"Averie." his voice deadpanned standing in front of the door watching his daughter wake up from her name mumbling some curse words underneath her breath before almost having a heart attack from seeing her dad there. in full uniform which means that she will be getting grounded.

Averie stood up with a groan walking out of the office letting the principal talk with her dad. she threw her head back as one of the security's, that she likes cause he was chill and all, told her bye and she waved back lazily heading to the car. "Averie." Alex called walking as quick up to averie who placing her hand on the handle to the car.

"averie, what's going on?" Alex asked not unlocking the car which ended up with averie banging her head on the car window.

"nothing, dad. I'm fine, just tired." last night, after leaving ashtray filled with food, she didn't go right back to sleep. she stayed up for the majority of the night. which wasn't good because she only slept 3 hours the previous night due to it being New Years.

"are you doing drugs?" her dad asked, straight forward. not wanting to waste any more seconds to ask his daughter a question that she would have to lie about. Averie opened her mouth but he quickly shut her down, "look, you know you can do whatever you want, but just know it has its limits. with me it has limits."

Averie narrowed her eyes to her dad who has the keys in his hand. "so I can do drugs?"


"smoke?" Averie asked hesitating a little and Alex nodded his head slowly. "why? aren't you suppose to prevent from me to do that?"

"yeah," Alex said before sending her a soft smile, one that would always bring her home. one that made her think about her mom. "but I was once your age, averie. so was your mom, and we did things. but we learned from them, I just want you to learn from them as well."

Averie nodded her head letting his words sink inside of her mind. "wait, you weren't always old?" Averie said sarcastically making him laugh sarcastically unlocking the door and getting inside.

Averie entered the car with a laugh before stopping to look back at Alex who turned on the car. "No, seriously."

"stop if before I throw you out the car."

"Alright! Alright, I'll stop." Averie laughed looking out the front window. her dad was her only other friend, he was the first guy that she could trust. he is the person who no matter how much of a parent he has to be, he would always make sure she's okay. he'll always make sure that she learns from mistakes.

but there was a difference between the love she has for her dad to the like or love she has for a certain gangster boy.

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