𝒙𝒗. rue

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━━━━ AT some point in everyone's life, they fall in love. doesn't matter who they fall in love for. it could be a boy, or a girl or a person but they will fall in love even if it's just one time. those are the lucky people because others die not knowing what loving someone feels like or how it feels to be loved.

i was lucky to at least have one love in my life. jules. she was my first love and I'll like to remember as her being that only.

i was lucky to know that for a split moment I had someone to love, I had someone who loved me back. but that's besides the point I'm trying to point out here.

i was lucky enough to witness a young love flutter. the love between ashtray and averie. the love between two people who are so different from each other and yet they still bring out the best of one another.

i always saw averie like a little sister, yeah I know, it sounds shitty since I literally have a little sister. but averie was like a mini me, well it's like how I see it. Averie told me about the stuff with her mom, how she died and how she coped with it. exactly like me, expect she was much younger then me.

averie is loved by many, everyone knows of averie. they know her as the chief's daughter, as the girl who lost her mother, as the perfect golden child, as the beautiful girl.

but only one person was able to see her as just her. and he did. ashtray saw her exactly the way she is. he was always the person who would observe someone closely before getting close with them.

whenever averie would enter the store, he would try and read her. he would listen to her talk to others, make up stories. he would see how she acts around new people, around people she doesn't like. until he finally talked to her.

that's when he learned more things about her. her favorite color, favorite food, favorite place, hobbies sports, etc.

he was an observer, but it only seem to happen around averie. somethings that she didn't know he would do is notice the little things about her.

like how when she would smile, her eyes would squint and small dimples would appear on only one side of her face, the right side. how, she has freckles only on her cheek and a little on the bridge of her nose. he noticed how she would give people a face whenever she was confused.

when averie gets nervous who she would either move closer to him or if he wasn't close to her she would play with a silver bracket in her right hand.

when she slept over a few times, he noticed how averie liked to tangle their legs together almost like as if it brought some sort of protection to her. the new things he noticed was she always kissed him on one side of his cheek, the right side and it was never the left side. how her eyes light up brighter when he looks at her or even talks.

he noticed how much he has fallen deep for her. i remember clearly when we were all inside of the story, this was between the first cal invasion.

Averie said something very very stupid and ashtray corrected her and she simply gave him a hard cold glare and he immediately said he was kidding. then fezco said and I quote, "man what the fuck did you do to ashtray? you got his ass whipped."

but averie wasn't always happy with herself or with her decisions. she didn't always like the way she acted, she way she dressed, the way she proceeded to stuff. this one conversation is the most heartfelt conversation I have ever had with averie.

it was about the people we love or/like. i was talking about Jules when averie asked, 'how do you know if you found the one?'

i was probably high that day and most likely ranted on about going back to other people, dating other people, exploring your options before in the end I said my best advice to the young alvarez i said, "listen double a, you love who you love and you fuck who you fuck, but it'll always lead back to that one person."

this confused the living shit out of her and simpler words i said, "who's that one person you'll always go back to no matter what." the more easier way, for a kid like Averie to understand.

Averie and Ashtray experienced love at a young age. that's what makes me realize how fast time goes by.

sadly, time has run up. every story has to end soon, this story has to end soon for a while. but if it makes you feel better, no one knows what's going to happen in the future.

that's what gets me going.

in some other universe, averie and ashtray are happy. that's all that matters right now.

author's note

that's a mothefucking wrap!!!!

i absolutely love this book
and the my oc's and plot is shit but it's a work in process.

for now the book is done, it's going to stay done until the other season comes also — also depends if sam fucking decides a to being a bitch and not kill ashtray.

but for right now it's unknown ( in my book ) if he's dead or not. fuck sam /hj

other than that — thank you for reading this book <3 and yeah — the next book is coming out soon!!!

also this last few chapters have been fully dedicated to marsiewarsie And numberonehaterxoxo <3
y'all should go read their ashtray book and their javon book


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