Chapter 12

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I have never been late to work in my life, if anything I arrive too early but it seems today is about to be an exception. Not that I'm late, at least not yet. I pick up my purse and car keys, glancing over my watch, I have about twenty minutes and I have the impression that I can still make it — laughable thought, that is easily crushed once I drive to the main road and see the line of cars in front of me, all of them also trying to make it to work in time, cursing at their steering wheel at the barely moving traffic and wishing they'd left their homes earlier.

And right on the day after scolding Louise and telling her to be on time...

I'm still one hundred percent putting all the blame on her though, she's the one that made me stay in her house until late, and she's the one that followed me downstairs with the intention of seducing me, not that it worked but we did spend a good half an hour making out on that parking lot. I never thought I'd allow myself to be pressed against my car by no other than Louise, in public of all things, even though no one was around at that time of night.

I hate to admit that she has gotten me in the mood, not that I'd tell her, but I dealt with it once I was home alone... But I digress. The point is that I'm late because of her.

I was about ten minutes late when I made it into the building but it's not like someone is going to bother me about it — that's usually my job, plus with my record of coming in early and leaving late, I think I can afford to be late once in a while. Yet I feel terrible and to make matters worse, I haven't drunk coffee yet and I can already tell my day is going to be horribly busy, and of course, life isn't fair so it's no surprise that I see Louise in the distance the moment I come into the building.

She looks at me as I walk towards her, quickly placing her hand in between the elevator doors, preventing them from closing. "Thanks," I mumble as I stop at her side, praying for someone to step in as well but my prayers aren't answered, why would they? The doors close, leaving us alone in awkward silence. "You're late."

"So are you," she raises an eyebrow.

"The difference is, nothing happens if I'm late, you on the other hand..."

"I'll get scolded by a beautiful woman, how's that a bad thing?" she teases, inching closer to me.

"Don't forget I'm the one that will decide if you're worth staying in the company, do you really think I won't take your behavior into consideration?" I squint my eyes at her, pushing her away by her shoulder. "Unless, of course, you pull a few strings with your grandfather."

She groans, slouching her shoulders. "Don't worry, that's not happening, this whole side of the family absolutely hates me."

"Am I supposed to believe that when they've set you up to intern at a high-ranking company?"

"They simply don't hate me enough to let me beg in the streets, plus it is bad for the family reputation."

I'm taken aback by this new piece of information and I'm not sure if I should believe it, either way, I don't have the opportunity to question her as the elevator finally reaches our floor. Louise gives me a quick smile as the doors open, taking the advantage that I'm lost in thought to completely escape the usual tardiness scolding, leaving me behind.

Now, I'm not one to care about other people's lives, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't pique my interest. This might be because I'm spending too much time with Joane, and speaking of which, I wouldn't be surprised if she knew something about this but I'm not sure if I should ask — if anything, she has been reluctant to even start a conversation involving Louise.

"Good morning," I mumble to Joane as I approach her desk.

"Morning," she eyes me curiously. "I was just about to call you, it's unlike you to be late."

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