Chapter 27

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I can clearly see an internal battle going on through her eyes as she fidgets with the soda can in her hand. "Answer, Louise."

"Caleb told my grandfather I was infatuated with a woman in our department, that he'd maybe even go as far as launching an investigation to find out who it was, and that it might cost your job," she sighs. "I know I should have told you, I just didn't want to worry you with the mess I've created ... and I didn't want to lose you."

I run both my hands down my face, trying to process everything she has just told me. "Is that what you think of me?"

"I'm sorry?"

"That I'd just give up in the face of any and every problem? Is that what you think of me?"

"Of course not," she says quickly.

"I see."


"This is not the first and certainly not the last time Caleb has used blackmail to get what he wants, I knew what I was getting into the moment I decided to give this a try, Louise."

"He has blackmailed you?"

"That girl, were you using her to adverse attention, is that what you were trying to do?" I ask, ignoring her question.

"I guess so, it wasn't my intention to create a rumour around us, my plan was that if an investigation were to be put in place, they'd have her as a prime suspect instead of you... but then people started talking and—"

"You decided to hide it from me."

"I know you said you don't get jealous, but I still didn't want to give you a reason to doubt my intentions with her... I guess it did the opposite. Just to be clear, she's straight and if anything, she'd go for you," she rambles. "And she's not even my type, to begin with, I wouldn't go for that, I mean, I wouldn't go for anybody but you—"


"Yes?" she breathes out.

"You don't need to explain yourself like this."

"I do, and don't look at me like that, I know you were jealous," she squints her eyes at me.

"Oh really?" I click my tongue, mentally cursing myself.

"You couldn't have made it any more obvious."


"Well, I wasn't. I simply noticed what you were doing and didn't like it, that's all."

"Oh really?" she repeats after me.

"Really," I groan, getting up from my seat and walking around my desk to where she was, standing in front of her. "Just because you've explained your reasoning doesn't mean I'm no longer upset."

"I know, and I'm not expecting you to forgive me right away. I messed up but I want to make it right, if you let me," she reaches for my hand, holding it tightly. There is a hint of both fear and hope in her eyes, and I know she's hinting at the fact I called us off earlier.

"Don't do this again, Louise, I mean it."

"I wouldn't dare to," she takes a deep breath, stepping closer to me. "How can I make things right?"

"Would you still be so compliant if I asked for some space?"

"I wouldn't like it but I'd still do it if it means I can have you again, someday," she says, taking yet another small step forward, standing inches away from me. "Is that what you really want though?"

"I didn't say it was, I was just asking a question,"

As she stands there, looking up at me as if I was single-handedly holding the future of the world in my hands, I feel my resolve waver. I know I shouldn't give in to her so easily, but the truth is, I can't resist her. I step closer, closing the distance between us until she's pressed up against my chest. I can feel the heat radiating off her body, feel the thud of her heart against my own as I kiss her deeply.

"Louise," I whisper, leaning down to nuzzle my face in the crook of her neck. "Do you have any idea what you have done to me?"

She sighs softly, tilting her head to the side to give me better access. I run my hands down her back, feeling the smooth fabric of her blouse under my fingertips as the scent of her perfume fills my nostrils. I can feel her warm breath on my ears. "I love you," she says in barely a whisper that I wouldn't have otherwise heard if we weren't this close.

My instinctive reaction is to step away but I stop myself, hugging her tighter instead.

"Cute," I hear Joane say from the door, making us both look up at her, even though neither of us made any sort of attempt at stepping away from each other. "I swear I knocked but I guess you two were too busy making up to notice the world around you," she continues, closing the door behind her. "Don't let me interrupt you."

"This is awkward," Louise groans, as we finally part.

"What's so urgent that could not wait?" I ask, sitting back down behind my desk. I can still feel my heart thumping against my chest, making it hard to breathe normally.

"Well, lunch has been over for a while now," she raises her eyebrows. "And this," she rests a piece of paper on top of my desk. "A letter from Genevieve, if it is what I think it is..."

"I'll look into it," I cut her off, getting a curious look from Louise.

"I hope you do."

"Anything else?"

"I suppose you both still don't have a plan on how to get Caleb off your backs."

"Do you?" Louise asks, crossing her arms. "And am I supposed to believe you actually want to help us?"

"Let me correct you on that one," Joane sits down at one of the chairs in front of my desk, crossing her legs. "Esther is my friend, I'll help her even if I don't agree with all the aspects of what I'll be helping her with."


"Caleb has no actual power over us, that's why he chooses intimidation." Louise and I exchange a brief look before I turn my attention back to Joane. "He knew he couldn't get anything out of me, so he went after Louise."

"So that's what happened..." Joane sighs. "We also can't afford to lose the merging by exposing him, I'm sure her grandfather would fire us all if Beast pulled out amidst the chaos. There is no winning it seems."

"Then you have no actual plan?" Louise asks, also sitting down beside her.

"I never said I did but there might be a solution," she says, nodding to the letter on top of my desk.

"I'm so confused, who's this person, Genevieve?" Louise asks raising her eyebrows.

Joane leans forward, her gaze unwavering as she locks her eyes with Louise's. "Genevieve isn't just anyone. She's the owner of another prestigious magazine, one that has been trying to lure Esther away for a while now. There might be no winning but there is definitely a way out, as editor-in-chief no less."

Louise's eyes fall back on me as she listens to Joane. "This is great."

"Not an option."

"Why not?"

"It just isn't."

"Didn't we just have a whole discussion about hiding things from one another?" she asks, crossing her arms.

"Well, my job is done, I'll be taking my leave," Joane says, getting up from her chair and swiftly walking away from the scene. Great.

"Esther," she murmurs, bringing my attention back to her.

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