Chapter 5

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The officer that's not the same one from yesterday, takes of my hood, grabbing my hair in the progress and presses my cheek against the wall harshly.

"Where were you" he demands an answer which I don't give him.

I stay silent as he asks more and more questions before he eventually brings me back to that interrogation room.

My hands are cuffed behind my chair as my backpack sits on the ground next to me.

The previous police officer isn't sitting in front of me but the new one who made my head bleed is.

After staring at him for a few minutes, the officer from before comes in the room and whispers something in the old officer's ear.

While the officer leaves he doesn't spare me even a small glance.

I don't think he likes me anymore.

"The results from running your DNA in the database came back.-" the officer starts.

I turn my head sideways until I hear a crack and feel some pressure relief.

I do the same thing with the other side as the officer continues talking, "we found your relatives- your brothers" the officer says.

That grabs my attention in one swift motion, "what! I don't have any brothers" I say, my eyes widening in disbelief.

The old man gives me a big glare because I didn't let him finish his sentence, "you do have brothers, your mother took you away from them and your father when you were 3 years old without them knowing" he informs me.

I stay silent.

My mom- who didn't love me nor took care of me, took me away from people who might did.

"Why" I demand more than ask.

"Your father and mother were in a nasty divorce and eventually to hurt your father, your mother took you away from him and your brothers. They have been looking for you for years but your mother somehow covered all the tracks to find you" he explains.



Vincenzo's POV. (Oldest brother)

Everyone is silent as we drive to the police station in Georgia.

No one knows what to say or how to react.

We got the news a few hours ago- the news that our sorelina was found.

As soon as we heard it we hoped on the plane and now we're driving to the police station where we will be picking her up.

She's 16 now, my little Athena is 16. Her birthday was a few weeks ago.

The woman that birthed me- the woman I will not call mother since she doesn't deserve it, is dead.

So is her stepfather, I was informed.

Questions keep circling my mind.

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