Chapter 25

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We stay quiet for a little while until Athena asks a question no one in this house is prepared to answer, "Atlas, since mom took me away, where is father?"


Athena's POV.

Atlas doesn't really know how to answer my question  but he tries after being quiet for a while, "dad is gone" he says.

"Is he d-dead" I hesitate asking, not wanting to bring up bad memories for him.

"No I don't think he is. He left a few years ago, he went basically crazy after mom took you." He tells me, "when he left, Vincenzo took over dad's business', just like he took over the roll of taking care of us" He continues.

"That must have been difficult for you all" I tell him compassionate.

I never realized how difficult it must have been for Atlas, especially with now hearing this news.

"It was" he agrees.

"How old were you when that all happened?" I than ask him.

"Ten" he tells me.

Oh god.

He was so young.

When he was just ten years old, his father went mad and left him and his brothers.

"I'm so sorry" I say genuinely.

He makes a small smile appear on his face, "it's okay, but we really need to clean your wounds" he approaches gently.

I look at him, "I don't want to" I say.

"You promised, you didn't want the others to know-" he starts but I cut him off.

"I know, I just-...i-it's bad" I tell him, "I don't want to scare you away or something- god that sounds stupid" I say while pulling away from the hug we were in.

I sit up straight on the bed just like Atlas.

"Your past won't scare me away Ena, you're my family- my sister- my twin, it'll take a lot more to do that. I just want you to be okay" Atlas says throwing his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side.

I stay silent not really knowing what to say while Atlas just pulls me up with him.

"What are you doing!" I laugh loudly as Atlas suddenly picks me up.

Atlas walks to the bathroom where he places me down on the counter.

He opens up a cabinet where he takes out all these medical supplies.

"Do you like have a tanktop or sports bra, something so I can help you with the injuries and see them better?" He asks while setting up some random stuff.

"Yeah I only have a sport bra but I don't have any shorts" I tell him.

My sports bra I'm already wearing like always, well unless it's nighttime, then it's drying from the washing.

But shorts, I've never had them.

The closest thing I have to shorts is my underwear.

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