Chapter 53

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"I don't want the flashbacks" I tell him before my eyes close and I drift off into another world.


My eyes open slowly when I wake up again.

I look around a little confused until everything from yesterday comes back.

Everything with Ares and Vincenzo and my father.

I take a deep breath and slowly pull myself up.

I didn't have any nightmares or flashbacks.

Vincenzo suddenly walks down the stairs with fresh clothes on.

He looks at me and gives me a small smile, "good morning" he greets me.

"Good morning" I greet him back.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks me

"Yeah, surprisingly I did" I tell him.

He smiles, "that's good, I stayed with you most of the night, I just woke up myself" he says.

I nod my head, "thank you for euhm yesterday and-..yeah, thank you"

He smiles softly, "always kiddo" he says and starts walking to the kitchen.

"Vincenzo I told you not to call me that!" I yell after him.

I just hear him laugh.

Like a full on laugh which makes your stomach hurt.

What in the world is happening?

Since when is he nice and sweet?

"Come let's set the table" he says after calming down a little.

Reluctantly I stand up and follow him to the kitchen.

He grabs eight plates while I grab eight glasses and eight of those big coasters for plates.

We walk to the dining room and set everything up before going back once more for the utensils and stuff.

When everything is set up, we sit down at the table as my brothers and Ares slowly come down the stairs.

I get some weird glances from my brothers as they sit down.

"What?" I ask no one in particular

"Your eyes are red" says Valentino

"And puffy" Valerio continues.

"Oh"...I shrug my shoulders as Ares who is sitting next to me pulls me into a sideways hug.

"Thank you for yesterday Thena but you know, you-"

"I know, I just..I wanted to be there for you like you've always been for me" I say cutting him off, giving him a small smile.

He nods his head and gives me a small kiss on the head while whispering a thank you.

I still remember that when Ares finally woke up from that drug that my so called father gave him and he saw me lying on a dead Henry while crying, his first instinct was to comfort me.

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