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Around 7:00 PM, (Yn), despite the rules, decided to take a turn about the halls of Welton. She hoped to find the library along the way, though the deeper she walked into the school it seemed she only got farther from her destination. She had been walking for a while when she spotted a mess of wet hair heading toward the dorms. She called out to him.

"Excuse me?" He froze for a split second before speeding up his pace, acting as if he had not heard her. She took note of this but did not back down. "Excuse me!" She continued to follow him. "You know, it's quite rude to ignore a lady when she's talking to you." The boy stopped in his tracks and prepared to defend himself. "No, no. I wasn't-" "Oh, never mind that. I was only teasing to get you to stop for a moment." She gave him a sweet smile. "I only wanted to ask if you know where the library is. Do you?" He tried to form an answer but no words left his mouth. So instead, he shook his head.

"I see...well then." She thought for a moment. "If you aren't too busy, would you like to accompany me in my search? I believe you are in my father's class, Mr. Keating?" He inhaled through his teeth and provided an awkward smile. "Y-Yes, I am." (Y/n) grinned. "Great! Then I will see you often. So, join me?" He started to protest but thought better of it. "Sure...Oh, uh, Todd Anderson." He put his hand out for her to shake and she took it. "(Y/n) Keating."

They eventually found the library. (Y/n) discovered that Todd was a very timid and anxious individual, but also incredibly nice. Todd discovered that (Y/n) was too, very nice as well as smart. She did most of the talking while he enjoyed listening. She scanned the shelves for a book containing a poem, Song of The Open Road by Walt Whitman. Once they found it, they ventured out into the courtyard. They sat down on the stone flooring with their backs pressed to adjacent pillars.

She opened the dusty-rose-colored cover and began flipping through the introductory pages until she reached the poem. She began to read the first stanza aloud. "

Afot and light-hearted I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.

Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune,
Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,
Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms,
Strong and content I travel the open road.”

(Y/n) closes the book and presses it onto her lap. "That's it?" Todd asks, bringing his knees to his chest.

"Well, no. There's more. That's just the part I needed the book for," she explained. "Just for one portion of a poem?" "A portion that speaks volumes about optimism and free will." She stands and takes a seat next to Todd. "It's probably my favorite free-verse." She hands him the book. "Read the rest of the poem when you get a chance." She stands again and dusts off her skirt. "It's getting dark. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Todd." She smiles at him one last time as he waves and watches her leave. Once she was gone, he trailed his fingers against the cover of the book sitting in his hands.


Three brunettes and two red-heads sit gathered around piles of homework and a radio. Pitts and Meeks at one end. Charlie, Neil, and Cameron at the other. Meeks holds up an antenna with one hand and a headset to his ear with the other. Pitts picks up the radio's wire when he sees it's not plugged in. He waves it in Meeks' face making a "duh" sound before plugging it in.

"These numbers here with- for 'X' and 'Y'." Cameron points out an equation as Charlie gives him an annoyed look. "Of course," Neil responds but makes no move to solve the equation. "Of course. So what's the problem?" The door opens as a dirty blonde enters, Knox. He presses his back against the door with a sigh. The boys look at him. "How was dinner?" He turns to Charlie, breaking away from his thoughts. "Hm?" "How was dinner?" He asks again. "Terrible. Awful." Knox pulls away from the door and takes a seat at the table. "What? What happened?"

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