Steven Meeks

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   Steven pushed his glasses back up from where they had slipped down the bridge of his nose. Rain pelted against the windows lining the walls of the lounge. Several boys scribbled away on large stacks of homework. Steven had been helping me study for my physics final exam. 

   "Okay. So, what are the fundamental constituents of physics?" I rested my chin in the palm of my hand. "Uh, momentum and conservation of energy, theories of gravity….this and that…all that stuff…" With a dramatic sigh I pressed my forehead against the table. "I need a break." He laughed softly. "We've only been at this for half an hour." 

   I reached my hand across the table and shut the physics text book without lifting my head. "That break is still needed." At the sound of Meeks pushing his chair back, I looked up. "Let's walk around for a bit then we can start again, okay?" I nodded and joined him as we both left the lounge.

   He allowed me to lead the way. He wasn't going to be happy with where I wanted to go, but he didn't stop as we got closer. Pushing open the large doors, the sound of rain immediately got louder. Stepping out onto the lawn I took a deep breath, letting the water droplets scatter across my face. When I turned back around he was leaning against the door frame watching me. "You'll get sick." I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Physics is making me sick. Come on." I motioned for him to join me but he stayed put. "Please?" He inhaled sharply before joining me. 

   His glasses fogged up in an instant. He tucked them away in his shirt pocket. It took him a moment to realize that I had already started walking down to the water's edge. He jogged to catch up. "What are you doing?"

   "Taking a walk. What's it look like, Meeks?" I grinned as he finally found his place at my side. Once reaching the water, I began following it to my left. After a while, the school was only a small object in the distance. "Can we go back now? We're both soaked." I didn't answer. Instead, I pulled my shoes off and took fifteen steps back. As I ran toward the water, I could hear protests from the red-head, but persisted. When my feet met the last bit of land before water, I jumped up, landing in the water with a splash.

   Meeks whipped his head around looking to see if anyone was watching. "Y/n, what are you doing?" I pushed the wet hair from my face with a smile. "You keep asking questions you can see the answers to. Now, it's no fun to be in here if I'm alone. So if you'd be so kind." He looked around again before hesitantly taking off his shoes, socks, overshirt, and placing them to the side. He carefully placed his glasses with the other discarded items. 

   He mumbled a series of complaints as he walked in deeper. Once he was knee deep in water, I offered a hand as if to help him. He took it only to be pulled into the cold water. Quickly re-emerging, he spat water and pushed his hair back. I laughed loudly as I waded in the water. "That was cruel." He tried to sound hurt but a laugh broke through. "You were coming in anyways." I tried to reason.

   "What if there's snakes in here?" "I hope there isn't?" "What if you catch a cold?" "I hope I don't." "What if-" I cut him off before he could ask another question. "It would be unfortunate, I hope that doesn't happen." I guided him deeper into the water. "How well can you see?"

   "It's blurry, but I can see okay." He hardly ever took off his glasses so I was curious. Now shoulder deep In water, I felt something slither against my waist. "Fuck! Shit! Shit! Get it off me!" I jumped up, wrapping my arms tightly around Meeks's neck. His laughter echoed in my ears as he wrapped his arms around my waist to support me. "I'm sorry, it was just too tempting." 

   "No, that's cruel! I thought it was a snake." He smiled with a hint of remorse. "I really am sorry. I didn't think you'd get that scared." I shook my head, a small smile crossing my face. "It's alright. Just don't do it again." He nodded. I hadn't noticed how close we were. Our bodies pressed together, my arms wrapped around his neck, and his around my waist. It seemed that he realized our close proximity too as his face flushed.

   "Thanks for helping me study, by the way. I know I'm a pain, but I appreciate it." His eyes screwed up as he smiled. "I don't mind. I like getting to help and spend time with you." He was always so sweet, possibly sweeter than all of the Dead Poets combined. 

    "We should go back." He nodded. Neither of us moved. "I think the rain is coming down harder now." I nodded. Neither of us moved. "The others are probably wondering where we ran off to." He nodded. Still, we didn't move. I usually never described boys as 'pretty', but with a rain trickling down his freckled face, Meeks was pretty. 

   Our faces inched closer. "Are we going to head back?" I shook my head. "Not yet." He took my answer as an invitation, closing the distance between us. Our lips connected softly, water seeping through the crevasse between our noses. 

   The kiss was sweet and gentle, but not lacking passion. When we finally pulled away, we pressed our foreheads together, basking in each other's presence. "Maybe we should gather my textbooks and study in my room. You know, to avoid distractions." I was only teasing, hoping to win a blush or flustered remark. Instead, he nodded and led me out of the water.

Author's note:

Steven/Stephen Meeks supremacy!!!!!


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